NeuroAid (MLC601) versus piracetam in the recovery of post-infarct homonymous hemianopsia

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:illusions1018
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In the clinic,the natural recovery rate of homonymous hemianopsia caused by occipital lobe infarction is low.At present,ideal therapeutic effects of piracetam for improving visual field defects following homonymous hemianopsia do not exist.The present randomized,controlled study compared the effects of NeuroAid (MLC601) versus piracetam for improving visual field defects in post-infarct homonymous hemianopsia patients matched for age and sex.After 3 months of treatment with NeuroAid (MLC601) or piracetam,visual field defects were significantly improved,compared with prior to treatment (P < 0.001).After treatment with MLC601,relative reduction of right and left visual field defects was 45% and 45.7%,respectively,while relative reduction after treatment with piracetam was 32.7% and 30.3%,respectively.These findings suggested that MLC601 was superior to piracetam for reducing visual field defects in homonymous hemianopsia patients. In the clinic, the natural recovery rate of homonymous hemianopsia caused by occipital lobe infarction is low. At present, ideal therapeutic effects of piracetam for improving visual field injury following homonymous hemianopsia do not exist. The present randomized, controlled study compared the effects of NeuroAid (MLC601) versus piracetam for improving visual field defects in post-infarct homonymous hemianopsia patients matched for age and sex. After 3 months of treatment with NeuroAid (MLC601) or piracetam, visual field defects were significantly improved, compared with prior to treatment (P <0.001). After treatment with MLC601, relative reduction of right and left visual field defects was 45% and 45.7%, respectively, while relative reduction reduction treatment with piracetam was 32.7% and 30.3%, respectively. These findings suggest that MLC601 was superior to piracetam for reducing visual field defects in homonymous hemianopsia patients.
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