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今年8月1日,中国人民解放军迎来了八十五个生日。南昌起义,标志着我们党独立领导的新型人民军队诞生。85年来,我军从小到大、由弱到强,听党指挥、服务人民,为党、国家和人民建立了彪炳千秋的丰功伟绩。强国才能强军,强军方可卫国。维护军队军人合法权益,既是部队政治工作的重要内容,也是各级党委、政府及相关部门的重要职责。《中华人民共和国军人保险法》的公布实施,是军地互融、军民一体的产物,是运用法律手段拥军优属铸就军人权益保障的铁壁铜墙。军人保险法更是军民深度融合的典范。保险业应深入研究军人保险工作的特点规律,不断拓展配套相关政策措施,使军人保险制度更加健全,运行更加规范,作用更加突出,在新的起点上推动军人保险事业又好又快发展。 August 1 this year, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ushered in the 85th birthday. The Nanchang Uprising marked the birth of a new type of people’s army under the leadership of our party. Over the past 85 years since our birth, our army has grown stronger and stronger, listened to party commands and served the people and established great achievements for the party, the country and the people in bringing them to the ground with tremendous achievements. Power can be strong, strong army can defend the country. The safeguarding of the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel is not only an important part of the political work of the armed forces, but also an important responsibility of party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels. The promulgation and implementation of the People’s Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China is a product of military integration and integration of civilians and civilians. It is an iron-clad copper wall that uses military means to secure the rights and interests of military personnel through the use of legal means. Military insurance law is a model for the profound integration of military and civilian. The insurance industry should conduct in-depth study of the characteristics and rules of the insurance work for military personnel and continuously expand related policies and measures so as to make the military insurance system more complete, run more standardized and more prominent, and promote the sound and rapid development of military insurance at a new starting point.
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