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”大溪档案“已运至台湾国民党党史会的“阳明书屋”庋藏,成为国民党党史会的秘密资料 1949年,前蒋介石官邸侍从秘书、现任台湾“行政院”政务委员兼“港澳小组”负贵人周宏涛,于国民党在大陆溃败撤退前夕,奉蒋介石的命令,率同官邸侍卫官员俞济时、梅耀璇、皮宗敢等人,将蒋介石个人史料,及国民党党、政、军、经、特各部门重要档案,予以搜集整理后,由前国民党政府空军作战司令衣复恩负责空运去台湾,先置于草山总裁办公室、“总统府”机要室、“党史会”荔园史库分批庋藏。1964年大溪行馆落战后,台湾当局唯恐史料散落在外,即将分藏三处的重要档案,全数置于该处庋藏,并派 “Tahsi Archives” has been shipped to the “KMT Party History” of Taiwan’s “Yangming Bookstore,” possession of the Kuomintang became the history of the secret party information In 1949, former Chiang Kai-shek residence maid secretary, now Taiwan’s “Executive Yuan” political commissar and “Hong Kong and Macao On the eve of the rout of the withdrawal of the Kuomintang troops from the mainland, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Chiang Kai-shek’s officials to dispatch Chiang Kai-shek, Mei Yao-hsuan and Pizong dare to separate Chiang Kai-shek’s personal historical materials from the KMT’s party, government, military and economic , Special departments important files, to be collected after the former Kuomintang government Air Force Commander Yi Fu-en responsible for air transport to Taiwan, first placed in President Cao grass, ”presidential palace“ confidential room, ”history of the party" Liyuan history Library in batches 庋 possession. In 1964, after the Daxihang Museum fell into battle, Taiwan authorities were afraid that historical data would be scattered outside. Some important files about to be detained in Tibet would be put on the site. All the files were placed there and dispatched
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In this research, the evapotranspiration (ET) of three native vegetation communities were measured using drainage lysimeters in the Taihang Mountain area, China