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目的了解茂名市农村人群的艾滋病知识水平和对艾滋病感染者及病人的态度,探索在农村实施艾滋病健康教育干预措施的有效途径。方法选取茂名市所辖的高州市其中的2个镇的3个行政村的人群,采用整群抽样的方法分别开展集中观看VCD加现场交流方式、张贴健康海报和发放健康教育资料自学的健康干预等方式,采取自制的调查问卷对调查对象在健康教育前后进行匿名调查,比较健康教育前后调查对象艾滋病知识的知晓率以及三种不同的健康教育方式之间的效果,对性别、年龄、文化程度等因素进行单因素和回归分析,探索农村人群艾滋病相关知识的影响因素。结果健康教育后,调查对象的艾滋病相关知识的知晓率有较大提高(P<0.05);性别分布上,男性知晓率高于女性知晓率(P<0.05)。年龄分布上,55岁以上人口知晓率明显低于其他年龄组(P<0.05);文化程度较高的人群知晓率也较高。健康教育干预前后,调查对象对艾滋病人和感染者态度变化不明显。在三种健康教育模式中,以张贴海报的形式获得的成本-效益最高。结论健康教育干预活动对提高农村人群的艾滋病相关知识水平有良好效果,性别、年龄、文化程度影响居民艾滋病知识水平,健康教育前后居民对艾滋病人的态度改变不大。 Objective To understand the knowledge of HIV / AIDS and the attitude towards people living with HIV / AIDS in rural areas in Maoming and to explore effective ways to implement HIV / AIDS health education intervention in rural areas. Methods The population of 3 administrative villages in 2 towns of Gaozhou under the jurisdiction of the city of Maoming was selected and the method of cluster sampling was used respectively to carry out the methods of centralized observation of VCD plus on-site communication, posting of health posters and health education materials self-study health intervention And other methods, using a self-made questionnaire survey of respondents before and after health education conducted anonymous survey before and after health education survey of AIDS awareness and the three different health education between the effect of gender, age, education level And other factors single factor and regression analysis to explore the impact of AIDS-related knowledge of rural people. Results After the health education, the awareness rate of AIDS-related knowledge among the respondents increased greatly (P <0.05). The male awareness rate was higher than the female awareness rate (P <0.05) in gender distribution. In terms of age distribution, the awareness rate of the population over the age of 55 was significantly lower than that of other age groups (P <0.05). The awareness rate of people with higher education level was also higher. Before and after the intervention of health education, the attitudes of the respondents to AIDS patients and those infected were not obvious. Among the three types of health education, the most cost-effective way of posting posters is. Conclusions Health education intervention has good effect on raising AIDS-related knowledge in rural population. Gender, age and educational level affect residents ’HIV / AIDS knowledge, and residents’ attitudes toward AIDS patients before and after health education change little.
以继续结构调整、强化资本管理、鼓励创新来面对更多的不确定性 2009年本是形势最困难的一年,但有些出乎意料的是,中国寿险业积极应对国际金融危机,按照“防风险、调结构、
目的评价2000-2008年黄浦区疾病预防控制中心(以下简称黄浦区CDC)的经费配置情况。方法通过问卷调查,了解9年间地方政府对黄浦区CDC的财政投入总量及其分配。结果 2008年,政