
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger5156
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Ⅰ—72、Ⅰ—69杨是黑杨派杨树中生长较快的2个新无性系。它们对土壤的要求较高,适宜在土质疏松、土层深厚、透气性好、肥沃的砂壤土或壤土上造林。泗洪县城头林场湖滩黑土,板结,肥力低(有机质为1.04%,含氮0.062%、速效磷4.7ppm、速效钾148ppm)。1984年我们在湖滩黑土上引种69、72杨,共造林850亩,由于认真整地,施足基肥,加强管理,3年生平均树高达12米,平均胸径13.6厘米,造林获得成功。 一、认真整地,施足基肥,选用壮苗,精细栽植 造林地是属于湖滩黑土,土层深厚,但很板结,肥力较低,地下水位在1米左右。造林时尽量选用地势较高、排水良好、耕作多年、土壤熟化的宜林地。在改土上,根据土壤板结的特点,做到早整地、早挖穴。冬前对宜林地进行全面耕翻,加深耕作层20厘米,挖大穴1.2×0.8×1.0米,使土壤充分风化,溶解肥料,含蓄水分,为树苗成活与生 Ⅰ-72 and Ⅰ-69 poplar are two new clones with faster growth in Populus tomentosa. They require a high level of soil and are suitable for afforestation on loosely loamy soil with good aeration and fertile sandy loam or loamy soil. Sihong County forest farm black sand beach, compaction, low fertility (organic matter 1.04%, nitrogen 0.062%, available phosphorus 4.7ppm, available potassium 148ppm). In 1984, we introduced 69,72 poplars on lake beach black soil and afforestation a total of 850 mu. As a result of careful land preparation and enough application of basal fertilizer, we strengthened management and averaged 3-year-old trees up to 12 meters with an average diameter at breast height of 13.6 cm. Afforestation was successful. First, careful preparation of land, applying enough fertilizer, the use of strong seedlings, fine planting afforestation land belongs to the lake black soil, deep soil, but very compacted, low fertility, water table in about 1 meter. As far as possible when choosing afforestation topography, drainage well, farming for many years, the soil maturing should be woodland. In the soil improvement, according to the characteristics of soil compaction, so early as the whole, digging hole early. Winter before the full tilling of Yilin to deepen the tillage layer 20 cm, dug large pits 1.2 × 0.8 × 1.0 m, so that the soil full of weathering, dissolved fertilizers, subtle water for the saplings survival and health
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One day after school,the teacher says to her students,“Tomorrowmorning,if anyone(任何人)of you can answer my first question,he”The next day,when the teacher c
千里之行始于足下 八万棵树由一棵树受到启发 哈密市陶家宫乡农民惠金玉联合四户农民,在牙吾龙戈壁沙丘上办林场植树造林。由1984年开始,三年来累计栽植白杨八万株,造林面积
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