改善医患关系 促进社会和谐

来源 :北京观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fortown
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目前在全国各省市,特别是北京, 出现了医患关系日趋紧张的情况。随着医疗纠纷的增多,医患矛盾也不断激化,出现了暴力化倾向。全国73.33%的医院出现过患者及其家属施用暴力殴打、威胁、辱骂医务人员的情况,医患矛盾已经成为影响社会安定的突出问题。 At present, there has been a growing tension between doctors and patients in various provinces and cities in the country, especially in Beijing. With the increase of medical disputes, the contradictions between doctors and patients have also been continuously intensified and violent tendencies have emerged. 73.33% of hospitals across the country have seen patients and their families use violence to beat, threaten, and insult the medical staff. The contradiction between doctors and patients has become a prominent issue affecting social stability.
室内及田间试验示范表明,用麦棉宁按种子重工的0.1%—0.2%(有效成分)拌种,对棉苗根腐病的防效在54%以上,保苗效果达90%以上,并对棉苗有良好生理作用。 Indoor and field trials show that with c
自款冬(Tussilago farfara)的干燥花蕾中分得一新化合物,命名为1,2-O-dicaffeoyl-cychopenta-3-ol(1),同时分离得到槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷(2),运用FAB-MS、IR、UV以及NMR等波谱
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On February 13,1986,a woman,aged 52,first sought treatment for shoulder pain she’d hadfor more than one year.Starting in December 1984,apparently aftera cold,