辨“状”论“质”,即通过辨别药品外观性状,确定其内在质量。现介绍一些名贵药材的辨“状”论“质”经验,与大家讨论。 人参:园参以条粗,身长,“芦”长者为佳;山参以条粗,饱满,纹细,“芦”长,“碗”密,有“珍珠点”者为佳。 西洋参:以条粗壮,色白起粉,表面细横纹密集,质硬,气味浓者为佳。 三七:以个大肥实,体重皮细,表面友绿色有光泽,断面灰黑色带绿,无裂
Identify the “quality” of “quality”, that is, determine the intrinsic quality of a drug by identifying the appearance of the drug. Now introduce the experience of some valuable medicines on the “quality” theory of “excellent medicines” and discuss with you. Ginseng: Park ginseng is thick, long, “elder” is better; ginseng is thick, full, fine, “Lu” long, “bowl” dense, “pearl point” is better. American ginseng: It is thicker, whiter in color, dense in surface, dense in texture, hard in texture, and strong in smell. No.37: It is a large, fat, thin skin, with a green and shiny surface, and it is gray and black in cross section with no cracks.