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定南县采茶剧团创办至今已有半个多世纪了。自从上级部门开展了送戏下乡活动以后,我团一年必须下乡巡回演出两轮,才能满足全县二十多万观众的需要,如此就催生了这样一个问题:一个二十多人的县级剧团,要怎样编导排练出两台好戏,来满足广大观众?这对导演是一大考验。请大导演请不起,只能自力更生。我就是在团里先演员、后进修、再导戏的土生土长的小戏曲导演。我以为戏曲导演最重要的两点是实践和理论学习。从表演实践角度看,戏曲体 Dingnan County Tea Troupe has been founded more than half a century. Since the higher authorities carried out the activities of sending guests to the countryside to go to the countryside, I had to tour the country two times in a year in order to meet the needs of more than 200,000 viewers in the county. That led to the question of a 20-person The county-level troupe, how to arrange two rehearsals show director, to meet the general audience? This is a great test of the director. Please big director can not afford, only self-reliance. I was the first actor in the regiment, after training, and guide the director of native drama drama. I think the two most important points of opera directors are practice and theoretical study. From the perspective of performance practice, opera body
最近 ,国家外经贸部、科技部制定 6项推动高新技术产品出口新政策。这些政策是 :1.允许具备监管条件的开发区进行出口加工试验 ;2 .鼓励利用外资和引进先进技术。目前 ,应细
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