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几个老年朋友在一起喝茶闲聊。喜欢炒股的胡老汉谈起股市行情、炒股知识来,他眉飞色舞,滔滔不绝。而在场的人大多数不炒股,对股市上的那一套毫无兴趣。胡老汉完全不顾及别人对自己所谈内容的感受。在他看来,似乎自己关心的事,别人也能关心;自己感兴趣的事,别人也一定感兴趣。他没有想到,在场的人之所以还在那里稳坐不动,并不是在听他讲什么,而 Several elderly friends chatting together for tea. Hu old man like stock market talk about the stock market, stocks knowledge, he enraptured, endless. Most of the people present did not exercise any interest in the stock market. Hu Hu completely ignored the feelings of others about their own content. In his opinion, it seems that what he cares about, others can also care about; others are interested in what they are interested in. He did not think that the presence of the reason why people still sit still, not listening to what he said, and
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从沈阳军区医学研究所退休的王军是我的老同学,1976年,她作为沈阳军区121野战医院的一名护士,参加了唐山抗震救灾。前不久,她跟我讲了一段感人的故事……1 976年7月30日清晨,
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乌鲁木齐是全疆的政治经济文化中心,也是西部热点旅游城市,大力发展文化产业、繁荣文化市场对于提高首府城市的综合实力,对于城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。 Urumqi, a pol