中国植物学会自1933年成立以来,已经走过了整整60年的光辉历程.60年来,特别是建国以来,中国植物学会在团结广大植物学工作者,积极开展学术活动、交流科研成果与教学经验以及普及植物学基础知识等方面都已做出了卓越的贡献.今天,中国植物学会的机构已发展较齐全,会员人数也由最初的近百人发展到万余人.创造出一大批具有高水平的科研成果,对推动我国植物科学的发展,促进四化建设发挥着重要作用. 为庆祝中国植物学会成立60周年,将于1993年在首都北京隆重召开大型的学术年会(暨十一届全国会员代表大会).这是我会发展史上一个极为重要的里程碑.回顾60年的历程,展望植物学的未来,使我们更加满怀信心的为迎接下一个世纪生命科学的世纪勇往直前!
Since its founding in 1933, China Botanical Society has gone through 60 years of glorious history since its founding in 1933. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Botanical Society has unite with a large number of botany workers and actively carry out academic activities to exchange scientific research achievements and teaching experiences And the basic knowledge of popularization of botany have made outstanding contributions to today's Chinese Institute of Botany's body has developed more complete, the number of members from the initial development of nearly 100 people to more than 10,000 people to create a large number of high-level Of scientific research, to promote the development of plant science in our country, and promote the four modernizations play an important role to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of China Botanical Society, will be held in 1993 in Beijing, the capital of a grand academic annual meeting (cum the 11th National Member Congress) This is an extremely important milestone in my history, reviewing the course of 60 years, looking forward to the future of botany, and making us more confident in the century ahead of the life sciences of the next century.