By using newly developed CuNi5~25Ti16~28 B rapldly solidifled brazing filler the joining of Si3 N4/1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel has been carried out with interlayer method. If employing the interlayer structure of steel (0.2 mm)/W (2.0 mm)/Ni(0.2 mm), the joint strength can be increased greatly compared with employing that of Ni/W/Ni, and the three point bend strength of the Joint shows the value of 261 MPa. The metallurgical behaviour at the interface between Si3N4 and the interlayer has been studied. It is found that Fe participated in the interfacial reactions between Si3N4 and the brazing filler at the Si3N4/steel (0.2 mm) interface and the compound Fe5Si3 was produced. However, since the reactions of Fe with the active Ti are weaker than those of Ni with Ti, the normal inter facial reactions were still assured at the interface of Si3N4/steel (0.2 mm) instead of Si3N4/Ni (0.2 mm), resulting in the improvement of the joint strength. The mechanism of the formation of Fe5Si3 is also discussed. Finally, some ideas to further ameliorate and simplify the interlayer structure are put forward.
By using newly developed CuNi5-25Ti16-28B rapldly solidifled brazing filler the joining of Si3N4 / 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel has been carried out with interlayer method. If employing the interlayer structure of steel (0.2 mm) / W (2.0 mm ) / Ni (0.2 mm), the joint strength can be greatly increased with employing that of Ni / W / Ni, and the three point bend strength of the Joint shows the value of 261 MPa. The metallurgical behavior at the interface between Si3N4 and the interlayer has been studied. However, since the reactions of Fe with the active Ti are weaker than those of Ni with Ti, the normal inter facial reactions were still assured at the interface of Si3N4 / steel (0.2 mm) instead of Si3N4 / Ni (0.2 mm) of the formation of Fe5Si3 is also discussed. Finally, some ideas to further ameliorate and simplify the interlayer structure are put forward.