
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwang800
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转眼间,《黑龙江政报》创刊五十周年了。看到“我与政报”征文启事时,我想起八十年代初为《黑龙江政报》恢复出版奔忙的那段往事,激动不已。一九八二年,正是我国改革开放之初,我省各业在拨乱反正,正本清源思想指导下,百废待兴。那时我正在省政府办公厅秘书处档案科工作,档案科桂树和科长及张福庆、王保稳同志都是机关工作多年的老同志,有比较丰富的经验,他们对“文革”中停刊的《黑龙江政报》的复刊注入了极大的热情,便将复刊的想法向处领导做了汇报。处领导很支持,立即研究确定了相关事宜:确定由档案科负责办理审批手续,整理、编辑拟登载的文件并向全省行署、市、县政府和大型企业发出订阅通知,统计订阅份数,抄录邮寄地址等具体事项,由省政府机关铅印室承担印 Suddenly, the “Heilongjiang Gazette” started its fiftieth anniversary. When I read the essay notice of “I and the Gazette,” I was very excited when I remembered the past period when the Heilongjiang Gazetteer was restored in the early 1980s. In 1982, at the very beginning of China’s reform and opening up, all walks of life in our province under the guidance of the Orderly Reclamation and the original Qingyuan ideology, all the time to be rewarded. At that time, I was working at the Archives Section of the Secretariat of the General Office of the Provincial Government. Archives Gui-lai and Section Chiefs and Comrades Zhang Fuqing and Wang Baosheng are veteran comrades who have been working for many years in organs and have rich experience in stopping their publication in the “Cultural Revolution” Heilongjiang Gazette "reprinted into a great enthusiasm, put the idea of ​​the magazine reported to the leadership everywhere. The leadership is very supportive, immediately studied to determine the relevant issues: to determine the file by the Division is responsible for handling the examination and approval procedures, organize, edit the documents to be published and to the administrative agency of the province, city and county governments and large enterprises issue subscription notice, statistical subscriptions, Copy the mailing address and other specific matters, printed by the provincial government office printing room
百田的成立时间比淘米晚,产品推出时间比淘米晚,打造公司品牌的时间比淘米晚,融资时间比淘米晚,上市时间也比淘米晚。但2013年,淘米的营收为4840万美元,比2011年仅增长了300万美元,而百田的年营收则从2011年的约1300万美元,增长到了约7300万美元。2014年4月,百田在香港上市,市值大约是淘米的两倍。  为什么?  2007年7月,迪斯尼以7亿美元收购了企鹅俱乐部(Club Peng
目的探讨sCD40L和CRP的含量与动脉粥样硬化性脑梗死(Atherosclerotic cerebral infarc-tion,ACI)面积、NIHSS量表评分之间的相关性。方法采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫法及比浊法检
AIM:To examine the consequences of cellular f ibronectin(cFn)accumulation during alcohol-induced injury,and inv estigate whether increased cFn could have an eff
未来,移动就是一切,这完全不夸张。  时代已经变了,但是,很多人还在用20世纪的眼睛观看21世纪的风景,还在穿着农耕社会的鞋子,走知识经济时代的路。  判断一个人是否帅酷炫,不是看手里拿的手机是什么牌子、多少钱,而是看这个人的头脑是否合乎移动互联时代的要求。  我喜欢问人一个问题:你手里的这台智能手机,你觉得用到了百分之多少的功能呢?  大部分人回答自己只用到百分之四五十左右。如果这算是诚实的回答