The three-dimensional structure of trichosanthin refined at 2.7resolution

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slksm
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The three-dimensional structure of trichosanthin crystallizing in space group C2 has beenrefined at 2.7 resolution from a previously reported starting model at 3 resolution based on asolvent flattened map and the revised primary structure consisting of 247 amlno-acids.The finalR-factor is 19.2% with the root mean-square deviations of 0.018 from ideal bond lengths andof 2.2° from ideal bond angles.Trichosanthin molecule is composed of two domains,the largedomain consisting of 181 amino-acld residues starting from N-terminus and the small domain con-sisting of the rest of the amino-acid residues.The molecule contains eight α-helices,five β-sheetsmade of sixteen β-strands,and some reverse turns.It is noteworthy that some of the α-helicesand β-sheets show irregular hydrogen bonding patterns.Six of the thirteen residues absolutelyconserved in eleven ribosome-inactivating proteins are located in a cleft near the interface ofthe two domains and they are likely to be active sites.Three additional conservative residueslocated in the cleft region might make some functional contribution as well. The three-dimensional structure of trichosanthin crystallizing in space group C2 has been refined at 2.7 resolution from a previously reported starting model at 3 resolution based on asconvent flattened map and the revised primary structure consisting of 247 amlno-acids. The final R-factor is 19.2% with the root mean-square deviations of 0.018 from ideal bond lengths and of 2.2 ° from ideal bond angles. Trichosanthin molecule is composed of two domains, the large domain consisting of 181 amino-acld residues starting from N-terminus and the small domain con-sisting of the rest of the amino-acid residues. The molecule contains eight α-helices, five β-sheets made of sixteen β-strands, and some reverse turns. It is noteworthy that some of the α-helices and β-sheets show irregular hydrogen bonding patterns.Six of the thirteen residues absolutely conserved in eleven ribosome-inactivating proteins are located in a cleft near the interface of the two domains and they are likely to be active sites.Thre e additional conservative residueslocated in the cleft region might make some functional contribution as well.
我国古代四大发明早已为世人熟知,但我国现代科技中可以确认居世界之最的发明创造,可能就鲜为人知了。 我国著名物理学家王淦昌,是世界上第一个发现荷电反超子的人。1959年,
鸭绿江地处中国丹东市与朝鲜新义州市之间,是中朝界江。鸭绿江上本无桥,1895年甲午战争日本打败中国、1904年日俄战争日本打败俄国后,为了进一步对中国东北进行侵略和掠夺, 1909年5月日本在朝鲜新义州一侧开始了基础施工,同时对中国清政府施加压力,迫使中方同意建桥。次年10月大桥竣工。这便是鸭绿江上第一桥。后来为了便于运输和通行,在这座桥上游不足百米,1943年日本人又修建了另一座大桥。  在抗美