
来源 :工程机械与维修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyps
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整机销售一直是中国工程机械代理商的主要盈利模式。有调查结果显示:工程机械整机销售在代理商整体销售额中所占的比重仍然过大,有59%的代理商整机销售额所占比重超过70%,而在40%以下的代理商则少之又少,仅为8%。由此可见,对整机销售的过分依赖仍然是大多数代理商的运营状况。而2004年4月开始的宏观调控使得很多工程停工,进而造成整机销售急剧下滑,使得代理商对整机销售过分依赖与日趋饱和的市场及突如其来的销售风险间的矛盾更加突出。而伴随着用户对维修服务、配件供应、租赁及二手设备等后市场服务的强烈需求,很多代理商已经开始从“销售供应商”向“服务运营商”转变 Machine sales has always been the main profit model of China’s construction machinery agents. A survey showed that: the whole machine sales of construction machinery in the overall sales of agents as a proportion of the total is still too large, 59% of the total sales of agents accounted for more than 70%, while less than 40% of the agents Then very few, only 8%. This shows that over-reliance on machine sales is still the operating conditions of most agents. The macro-control that started in April 2004 caused a lot of projects to be shut down, resulting in a sharp decline in sales of complete sets of machines. This made the contradictions between over-reliance on complete sets of machines and increasingly saturated markets and sudden sales risks more prominent. With the strong demand from users for aftermarket services such as repair service, spare parts supply, leasing and second-hand equipment, many agents have started to shift from “sales suppliers” to “service operators”.
社会主义和谐社会是一个内涵丰富的概念。它涉及人与人、人与社会、人与自然多重关系,涵盖经济、政治、文化等各个方面。民主法治是其他各方面实现的根本保证。 Socialist h
This paper analyses Chinese manufacturing performance from a multilateral perspective in 1980-2004. The PPPs, relative price levels, labor productivity and ULCs
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论文在阐述企业文化的内涵以及我国电力企业建设企业文化的重要意义和面临障碍的基础上提出了电力企业建设企业文化的措施。 The essay elaborates the connotation of corp
1 贵州茶文化概论文化,人类历史上含义最为丰富的词语之一。《现代汉语词典》对文化的定义之一是人类创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富如文学、艺术、教育、科学