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“能源”指能够提供某种形式能量的自然资源,即能量的来源。能源是人类赖以生活和生产的重要资源,能源的开发和利用是衡量一个时代、一个国家科学技术和经济发展水平的重要标志。人类发展的历史,在某种意义上,就是认识能源、开发能源、利用能源的历史。当代社会最广泛使用的能源是煤炭、石油、天然气和水力。石油和天然气的储量是有限的。有人预计,将在30年、最多50年内被耗尽。煤炭的资源虽然多些,但是直接应用煤炭严重污染环境,亟需研究解决煤炭转化为气体或液体燃料的问题。为了保证大规模的能源供应不致中断,目前各国都在研究新能源——在新技术基础上开发利用的、或正在开发研究的能源。 “Energy” refers to natural resources that provide some form of energy, that is, the source of energy. Energy is an important resource for human beings to live and produce. The development and use of energy is an important symbol for measuring the scientific and technological development level of an era and a country. The history of human development is, in a sense, the history of recognizing energy, developing energy, and using energy. The most widely used energy in contemporary society is coal, oil, natural gas and water power. Oil and gas reserves are limited. It is expected that it will be exhausted within 30 years and up to 50 years. Although coal resources are much more, direct application of coal seriously pollutes the environment and there is an urgent need to study and solve the problem of converting coal into gas or liquid fuel. In order to ensure that large-scale energy supply will not be interrupted, all countries are currently studying new energy – energy that is being developed, utilized or under development on the basis of new technologies.
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