
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laverke
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始建于1989年7月的迁西县兴顺瓷厂强化基础管理,严格工艺操作,使企业靠内涵管理不断增强市场的竞争能力。去年完成产值1030万元,实现利税221.6万元,晋升为市一级企业,成为当地乡镇企业中的佼佼者。该厂针对以前管理粗放、生产经营理不顺的状况,狠抓企业的内部管理,强化约束机制,他们根据现代化企业管理的要求,制定实施了“各类人员岗位责任制”、“各项定额管理制度”、“计量管理制度”、“安全操作规程”、“设备使用操作规程”等一系列规章制度,强化了基础管理,使企业逐步迈进了规范化、科学化、标准化的管理轨道。与此同时,该厂为扭转产品甲级率低的状况,严格了产品质量监控手段和体系,每道工序 The Qianxi County Xingshun Porcelain Factory, which was established in July 1989, strengthens basic management and rigorous process operations, enabling companies to continue to enhance the market’s competitiveness through content management. Last year, the output value was 10.3 million yuan, and the profit tax was 2.216 million yuan. It was promoted to a municipal level enterprise and became a leader in the local township and township enterprises. The factory aimed at the unreasonable management of previous management and production management, and paid close attention to the internal management of the company and strengthened the restraint mechanism. According to the requirements of modern enterprise management, they formulated and implemented the “responsibility system for all types of personnel,” and “ A series of rules and regulations, such as the fixed management system “, ”measurement management system “, ”safety operation procedures “, ”equipment use operating procedures", etc., have strengthened basic management, and gradually led enterprises to standardization, Scientific, standardized management track. At the same time, in order to reverse the low rate of Class A products, the plant strictly controls the quality of products and means of monitoring.
根据德国机器制造协会(VDMA)仪表联合会的统计,德国仪表工业1995年的生产总值达到103亿马克,比1994年增 According to the German Machine Manufacturers Association (VDM
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