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随着经济全球化和网络信息化时代的到来,图书馆内的藏书资源数量与种类都在与日俱增。由于当下是一个网络信息技术非常发达的时代,越来越多的图书数据资源被要求可以从网络上直接检索并获取,完全打破了传统的图书分类工作模式,因此这就给新时期图书分类人员的综合素质提高带来了巨大的挑战。本文主要探讨了图书分类工作的重要性,指出当下图书分类人员综合素质的现状。针对当下网络环境的新特点,重点分析了提高图书分类人员综合素质的具体路径。 With the advent of economic globalization and the era of network information, the number and variety of collection resources in the library are increasing day by day. Since the current era is a network of information technology is very advanced, more and more books and data resources are required to be retrieved directly from the network and access, completely breaking the traditional book classification mode of work, which gives the new era of book classifications The overall quality brings great challenges. This article mainly discusses the importance of book classification, and points out the current situation of the comprehensive quality of book classification staff. Aiming at the new characteristics of the current network environment, this paper focuses on the specific ways of improving the comprehensive quality of the books classified personnel.
本文介绍了用统计方法从国内外同类型机床资料中分析参数的平均先进水平的方法。并对数控车床最高转速和主电机功率参数的分析作了具体的回归分析。设计与研究 This article
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