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为了科学利用频振式杀虫灯防治苎麻Boehmeria nivea(Linn.) Gaudich.害虫,明确苎麻田主要灯诱昆虫种类及其灯下诱集动态,于2012年4月~9月在湖北省咸宁地区进行了苎麻田频振式杀虫灯诱虫试验。结果表明:频振式杀虫灯在苎麻田诱杀害虫4目9科19种,地下害虫种类较多,主要包括金龟子、叩甲、天牛、蝼蛄、拟步甲和地老虎等6类。地下害虫又以金龟子为主,主要有华北大黑鳃金龟、铜绿丽金龟、黑绒鳃金龟、斑喙丽金龟、鲜黄鳃金龟、暗黑鳃金龟等6种。金龟子从4月中旬至9月初均灯下可见,以6~7月为诱集高峰期。主要诱集天敌昆虫为步甲、隐翅甲、寄生蜂和瓢虫等4类,除步甲外,其它3类诱集量相对较小,步甲诱集高峰期为4月下旬至5月上旬。频振式杀虫灯最佳使用时间为6~7月,在此期间诱杀苎麻田金龟子类地下害虫数量大、种类多,且避免大量杀伤天敌昆虫。频振式杀虫灯在苎麻田金龟子类地下害虫预测预报和防治中具有较好的推广应用前景。 In order to control the pest of Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaudich by using frequency-vibration insect light, the species of lure insects and their entrapment dynamics in ramie field were clarified. From April to September 2012, Ramie field frequency vibration insecticidal lamp trap experiment. The results showed that there were 19 species of 4 families, 9 families and 4 insect pests in the ramie fields. There were many kinds of underground pests, including 6 species of beetle, rattan, beetle, emus, beetle and terrestrial tiger. Underground pests are mainly chafers, mainly North China gill beetle, copper green beetle, black velvet gill beetle, spot beak beetle, fresh yellow gill beetle, dark gill beetle and other 6 species. Beetles from mid-April to early September are visible under the lights to 6 to 7 months as the peak season. The main traps of natural enemies were Carabus, Bipoptera, Parasitoid and Ladybug, with the exception of Carabus, the other three were relatively small in quantity, and the peak of Carabida trap was from late April to May Early. The best time to use vibrating lamp is 6 July, during which time the number of underground pests in the ramie field is large and the number of species is large. In addition, a large number of insect pests are avoided. Vibration-type pest-killing lamp has good popularization and application prospects in the prediction, prevention and treatment of underground pests in the ramie fields.
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