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在加氢裂化装置中,氢气是正常生产不可缺少的原料。加氢处理、加氢裂化反应均需消耗氢气;同时,氢气消耗还包括机械泄漏、溶解损失以及微量排放等。氢气成本约占加氢裂化装置加工成本的7%~13%。中国石化某加氢裂化装置采用石油化工科学研究院(RIPP)开发的RN-32/RHC-1催化剂,设计转化率为58.3%(以重石脑油计算),馏出物计算方法转化率为60.3%。在此条件下,无论大小尾油方案,设计化学氢耗均为2.25%。实际生产中,装置转化率在60%左右,与设计值基本相当,但氢耗较高,各加工方案氢耗均在2.7%~3.0%范围。从加氢裂化装置理论氢耗入手,分析氢耗与实际操作的关联性,结合降低氢耗试验,分析原油品种变化和转化率对氢耗的影响,提出降低氢耗的主要措施应为优化加氢裂化反应转化率。另外,优化装置原料、降低原料干点也是降低氢耗的有效手段之一。 In hydrocracking units, hydrogen is an indispensable raw material for normal production. Hydrogenation, hydrocracking reactions need to consume hydrogen; the same time, hydrogen consumption, including mechanical leakage, loss of dissolution and trace emissions. Hydrogen costs account for about 7% to 13% of hydrocracking unit processing costs. The hydrocracking unit of SINOPEC uses RN-32 / RHC-1 catalyst developed by Institute of Petrochemical Technology (RIPP) with a design conversion rate of 58.3% (calculated as heavy naphtha) and a distillate calculation method conversion of 60.3 %. Under this condition, the design chemical hydrogen consumption is 2.25% regardless of the size of the tail oil program. In actual production, the conversion rate of the device is about 60%, which is basically equivalent to the design value, but the hydrogen consumption is high, and the hydrogen consumption of each processing scheme is in the range of 2.7% ~ 3.0%. Starting from theoretical hydrogen consumption of hydrocracking unit, the correlation between hydrogen consumption and actual operation was analyzed. Combined with the experiment of reducing hydrogen consumption, the influence of crude oil variety change and conversion rate on hydrogen consumption was analyzed. The main measures for reducing hydrogen consumption were proposed as optimization plus Hydrocracking reaction conversion rate. In addition, the optimization of raw materials, raw materials to reduce the dry point is also an effective means to reduce hydrogen consumption.
(上接第 17期 )3 音频信号处理电路该机的音频信号处理电路非常简易 ,主要由音频功率放大电路IC2 0 3(AN5 2 6 5 )及其周围元件组成 ,其实用电路简图如图 4所示。图 4 音频信号
Time-resolved single-particle measurements were conducted during Chinese New Year in Nanning,China.Firework displays resulted in a burst of SO2,coarse mode,and
果树根癌病是一种世界性的病害 ,我国各果品产区均有分布 ,特别是苗木受害较重 ,该病寄主范围很广 ,约有 30 0多种。主要为害苹果、梨、桃、葡萄、板栗、杏、李、红果、杨、