20世纪下半叶尤其是90年代以来,人类进入了多元差异与整合统一并存的全球化时代。全球化时代呼唤新的伦理精神。这种新伦理精神应包括以下主要内容: 其一,具备对全球性问题的强烈责任感。在长期的人类自身对抗和人与自然的对抗过程中,出现了核战争的威胁,种族仇恨,军备竞赛,环境污染,饥饿和疾病等全球化问题,这是关乎人类整体生存和发展的问题,需要全人类共同体的参与来解决。从全球一体的视角,制定和遵守全球一体的协议和公约,依靠全球一
Since the second half of the 20th century, especially since the 1990s, mankind has entered a time of globalization in which multiple differences and integration are united. The era of globalization calls for a new ethical spirit. This new ethical spirit should include the following main elements: First, have a strong sense of responsibility for global issues. During the long-term confrontation between mankind and man and nature, there emerged the issue of globalization such as the threat of nuclear war, ethnic hatred, arms race, environmental pollution, hunger and disease, which are matters concerning the survival and development of mankind as a whole. It requires the participation of all human communities to solve it. From a global perspective, developing and adhering to a global agreement and convention, relying on a global one