One high-efficiency analysis method for high-speed circuit networks containing distributed parameter

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helen_shen
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In the field of high-spe ed circuits,the analysis of mixed circuit networks containing both distributed parameter elements and lum ped parameter elements becomes ever important.This p aper presents a new method for analyzing mixed c ircuit networks.It adds transmission line end curren ts to the circuit variables of the classical mod ified nodal approach and can be applied directly to the mixed circuit networks.We also introduce a frequency-domain technique without requiring decoupling for multiconductor transmission lines.The two metho ds are combined together to efficiently analyze high -speed circuit networks containing uniform,nonuniform,an d frequency-dependent transmission lines.Numerical experimen t is presented and the results are compared with that computed by PSPICE. In the field of high-spe ed circuits, the analysis of mixed circuit networks containing both distributed parameter elements and lum ped parameter elements becomes ever important. This pperfect presents a new method for analyzing mixed circuit traffic. It adds transmission line end curren ts to the circuit variables of the classical mod ified nodal approach and can be applied directly to the mixed circuit networks. We also introduce a frequency-domain technique without requiring decoupling for multiconductor transmission lines. the two metho ds are combined together for efficiently analyze high -speed circuit networks containing uniform, nonuniform, an d frequency-dependent transmission lines. Numerical experimentation is presented and the results are compared with that computed by PSPICE.
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