Besides the creep strength, creep ductility has also been recognized as an important material parameter, since low ductility is often associated with notch sensitivity and concomitant prema-ture failure, especially brittle fracture. Creep rupture data of 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb-N show that the creep ductility decreases with decreasing stress at constant temperatures or with decreasing tem-perature at constant stresses. SEM and TEM were used to investigate the mechanism of creep brittleness. The results indicate that the decrease of rupture ductility after long-term creep is related to the decrease of mobile dislocation density, the coarsening and coalescence of carbides and the decrease of shear lip size.
Besides the creep strength, creep ductility has also been recognized as an important material parameter, since low ductility is often associated with notch sensitivity and concomitant prema-ture failure, especially brittle fracture. Creep rupture data of 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb-N show that the creep ductility decreases with decreasing tem-perature at constant stresses. with decreasing tem-perature at constant stresses. SEM and TEM were used to investigate the mechanism of creep brittleness. The results indicating that the decrease of rupture ductility after long-term creep is related to the decrease of mobile dislocation density, the coarsening and coalescence of carbides and the decrease of shear lip size.