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当前,长江航运的快速发展已经成为社会各界关注的一个热点话题,有人称长江航运正处于黄金发展期。然而我们必须清醒地认识到,长江航运总体上还不适应沿江经济快速发展的需求,其巨大的潜力和优势尚充分发挥。面临良好的机遇和艰巨的任务,如果按部就班、亦步亦趋,简单地满足于基本工作任务的完成,很容易错失机遇,陷于被动。“据沧海而观众水,登泰山而览群岳。”只有跳出长江看长江,跳出航运看航运,着眼战略性的思考,准确把握长江航运发展的关键环节,不断创新理念,坚持求真务实,才能高效率、高质量地完成历史赋予我们的职责和任务,实现长江航运的全面协调可持续发展。一、从国民经济的发展趋势,准确把握长江航运发展的主线 交通运输在国民经济中占有重要的基础性和先导性作用。目前我国正步入新一轮经济增长期,交通运输的需求也进入了新的增长阶段。尽管我国的交通运输基本满足了国民经济发展的需要,但运输能力的供求仍处于低水平、阶段性的平衡,经常出现的“瓶颈”制约现象充分体现了我国运输储备能力的缺乏。长江航运是长江流域经济持续快速发展的有力支撑和保障,但运输能力的供求有时也出现阶段性的不平衡,由于历史原因、客观因素导致的滞航、碍航现象也不可避免地影响到经济的发展。通过能力不足、服务水平不高与日益增长的多样化水上运输需求之间的矛盾将是长江航运发展长期存在的主要矛盾,着力解决这个主要矛盾就是当前长江航运发展的主线。 At present, the rapid development of the Yangtze River shipping has become a hot topic of concern to all sectors of society. Some people claim that the Yangtze River Shipping is in a golden period of development. However, we must be soberly aware that the Yangtze River shipping as a whole still does not meet the needs of the rapid economic development along the Yangtze River, and its huge potential and advantages are still being brought into full play. Facing the good opportunities and the arduous tasks, if we go ahead step by step and step by step, simply meeting the completion of the basic tasks, it is easy to miss the opportunity and get passive. “According to the sea and the audience water, Mount Taishan and group Qun Yue.” Only out of the Yangtze River to see the Yangtze River, out of the shipping to see shipping, strategic thinking, accurate grasp of the key aspects of the development of the Yangtze River shipping, innovative ideas, persist in seeking truth and being pragmatic, Can we accomplish the duties and tasks entrusted to us by history with efficiency and high quality so as to realize the all-round, coordinated and sustainable development of shipping in the Yangtze River. I. From the Trend of National Economy and Accurately Grasping the Mainline of the Development of the Yangtze River Shipping Transportation plays an important fundamental and leading role in the national economy. At present, our country is entering a new round of economic growth period. The demand for transportation has also entered a new phase of growth. Although transportation in our country basically meets the needs of national economic development, the supply and demand of transport capacity are still at a low level and in stages, and the frequently-occurring bottleneck restriction fully reflects the lack of transport reserve capability in our country. The Yangtze River shipping is a strong support and guarantee for the sustained and rapid economic development in the Yangtze River Basin. However, the supply and demand of transport capacity are sometimes imbalanced in stages. Due to historical reasons, due to objective factors, the phenomenon of hysteresis and obstruction will inevitably affect the economy development of. Through the lack of capacity, the service level is not high and the growing contradiction between the needs of diversified water transport will be the main contradiction between the long-term development of shipping in the Yangtze River. To address this major contradiction is the main line of the development of the Yangtze River Shipping.
《老友》专家门诊:我是一名高度近视患者,我生育有两个小孩,其中有一个和我一样,近视度数很深,视力很差,而另一个则视力很好,没有近视。请问:近视是否有遗传, “Friends of
“……现在开始。闭眼。第一节,按天应穴……”听到这熟悉的女声和音乐,你会想起什么?没错,就是眼保健操。上个世纪60年代发明、1 982年由教育部等10部委向全国推广的我国第