Effect of Colohicine Treatment on the Growth and Variation of Siraitia grosvnorii Callus

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenge228394
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[Objective] This study was to screen out a suitable colchicine treatment method for generating variation in calli of Siraitia grosvnorii. [Methods]Different concentrations of colchicine and treatment time were set to investigate the optimal callus induction conditions for Siraitia grosvnorii(Swingle) C. Jeffrey. [Results]With the increase of colchicine concentration and time,the calli died more and more seriously. The induction rate of mutated cells( polyploidy) was ascended along with the increase of treatment time and colchicine within a certain range. However,when the colchicine concentration exceeded a specific amount,the polyploidy induction rate was decreased. Treatment with0. 5 g /L colchicine for 48 h showed the best effect on polyploidy induction while the least damage on callus tissue. In comparison with the normal material,the mutated plants showed bigger leaves and slower growth,while the stomata did not change remarkably. By chromosomal analysis,the mutated material was preliminarily identified as polyploid. [Conclusions]Treatment with 0. 5 g /L colchicine for 48 h could well induce the generation of diploidy materials. [Objective] This study was to screen out a suitable colchicine treatment method for generating variation in calli of Siraitia grosvnorii. [Methods] Different concentrations of colchicine and treatment time were set to investigate the optimal callus induction conditions for Siraitia grosvnorii (Swingle) C. With the increase of colchicine concentration and time, the calli died more and more seriously. The induction rate of mutated cells (polyploidy) was ascended along with the increase of treatment time and colchicine within a certain range. However, when the colchicine concentration exceeded a specific amount, the polyploidy induction rate was decreased. Treatment with 0. 5 g / L colchicine for 48 h showed the best effect on polyploidy induction while the least damage on callus tissue. by chromosomal analysis, the mutated material was pr eliminarily identified as polyploid. [Conclusions] Treatment with 0. 5 g / L colchicine for 48 h could well induce the generation of diploidy materials.
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