
来源 :中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cododo2009
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我科自2000年以来采用鼻内镜治疗鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤(nasal inverted papilloma,NIP),现将资料完整、随访1年以上的15例病例报告如下:资料与方法一、临床资料15例中,男11例,女4例,年龄33~68岁,平均51岁。均为单侧病变,左侧9例、右侧6例,4例有前期手术史。全部病例术前均查 CT 和鼻内镜,根据 Krouse 标准进行分级,Ⅰ期2例,Ⅱ期6例,Ⅲ期7例,病变均来源于鼻腔外侧壁。Ⅲ期7例侵及部分和全部筛窦及上颌窦,其中1例侵及蝶窦,1例累及额窦口,术前活检病理证实6例。本组未有肿瘤侵及眶内、颅内者,未发现恶变。 Our department since the endoscopic treatment of nasal inverted papilloma (nasal inverted papilloma, NIP), now the information is complete, follow-up of more than 1 year of 15 cases are reported as follows: data and methods, clinical data In 15 cases, there were 11 males and 4 females, aged from 33 to 68 years, with an average of 51 years. All were unilateral lesions, left in 9 cases, right in 6 cases, 4 cases had a history of preoperative surgery. All cases were examined by CT and endoscopic sinus surgery, according to Krouse criteria for grading, Ⅰ in 2 cases, Ⅱ in 6 cases, Ⅲ in 7 cases, lesions are derived from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. In stage Ⅲ, 7 cases invaded some or all of the ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus, including 1 invaded the sphenoid sinus and 1 involved the frontal ostium. Preoperative biopsy proved 6 cases. This group did not invade the tumor orbital, intracranial, no malignant transformation was found.
编辑部派我去采访魏红。 早春二月,湖面上还结着薄冰,太阳暖暖地照着,昆明湖边游人如织。一见到魏红,我脑子里便闪出“春光明媚”一词。摄像机前,年轻女孩魏红正在回答记者
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