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水竹又名旱伞草,为莎草科多年生草本植物,株丛繁茂,光亮翠绿,顶部叶片扩散如伞形,花淡紫或白色,夏季开花,其叶形奇特,植株层次分明,姿态别致,是室内常见的观叶植物,置于客厅或放在书桌上,使室内显得清雅秀丽,情趣顿生。水竹繁殖的方法有三种:1.播种繁殖;2.扦插繁殖;3.分株繁殖。其中播种繁殖周期比较长,植株成形比较慢;分株繁殖虽然来得快,但繁殖数量受到限制,一盆母株只能分2~3盆,不适于大规模生产,而且分出的植株很高,下面很秃,显得很单调,影响观赏效果。根据笔者经过多年来种植水竹的经验,扦插繁殖可避免上述两种方法的不足之处,既可以缩短时间,又不受季节限制,而且适于大量繁殖,植株成形迅速,形态丰满,观赏效果极佳。扦插方法:每年在立秋之后,即8月中旬至9月中旬之间,选择长势良好,枝条粗壮的水竹顶端叶丛,下面最好带上2~3节茎干,剪下后插入事先 Water bamboo, also known as Umbrella parasol, is a sedge herbaceous perennial plants, bush lush, bright green, the top leaves such as umbrella-shaped proliferation of flowers, purple or white flowers, summer blossom, the leaf peculiar shape, plant structured, chic attitude , Is a common indoor foliage plants, placed in the living room or on the desk, so that the interior looks elegant and beautiful, taste suddenly. There are three ways to breed water bamboo: 1. Seeding and breeding; 2. Cutting propagation; 3. Breeding. Among them, the sowing and breeding cycle is relatively long, and the plant forming is relatively slow. Although ramet propagation is fast, the number of propagation is limited. A single parent plant can only be divided into 2 to 3 pots, which is not suitable for large-scale production. The following is very bald, appears very monotonous, affecting the viewing effect. According to the author’s experience of planting water bamboo for many years, cutting propagation can avoid the shortcomings of the above two methods, which can not only shorten the time but also not limited by the season, but also suitable for large-scale reproduction, rapid plant formation, fullness of the ornamental effect Excellent. Cutting method: every year after the beginning of autumn, that is, from mid-August to mid-September, choose to grow well, branches thick bamboo top leaves thick, the following best to bring 2 to 3 stems, cut into the prior
在获得有效的乙型肝炎疫苗后9年,并对各种控制乙型肝炎的方法进行尝试以后,美国疾病控制中心(CDC)咨询委员会建议把乙型肝炎列入儿童免疫计划。 After nine years of obtai