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随着钻井工艺技术的不断完善和发展,了解区域地质构造和岩性特点,结合现场配套设备优选出一套适合于该地区地层的科学化钻具组合模式,既能加快钻井速度,减少泥浆对地层的浸泡时间有效地保护油气层,还能缩短钻井周期降低钻井成本。中原井下特种作业处钻井二队,在白音查干探区通过四年的实践摸索,认真对比分析该区域的地质构造、地层岩性,筛选总结出了一套完全适用于白音查干探区的科学化钻井钻具组合模式,通过2007年所钻10口井的实际应用和论证,该套钻具组合有效地提高了生产时效,降低了生产运营成本,增加了生产经营效益,完全实现了科学钻井施工,满足了白音查干探区勘探开发钻井施工的需要。 With the continuous improvement and development of drilling technology, understand the regional geological structure and lithology characteristics, combined with on-site equipment to optimize a set of scientific drilling tools for the formation of the strata combination mode, both to speed up the drilling speed and reduce mud on Stratum soaking time to effectively protect the reservoir, but also shorten the drilling cycle to reduce drilling costs. Zhongyuan underground special operations drilling two teams in the Baiyinchagan exploration area through four years of practice exploration, a serious comparative analysis of the region’s geological structure, stratigraphic lithology, screening concluded a completely applicable to Bai Yin Chagan exploration With the practical application and demonstration of 10 wells drilled in 2007, the drilling tool combination effectively improves the production aging, reduces the production and operation costs, increases the production and operation benefits, and fully achieves The scientific drilling construction, to meet the Baiyinchagan exploration exploration and development drilling needs.
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最近有两个人可以称得上是大忙人了,一位是即将卸任的英国首相布莱尔,另一位则是即将接替他的财政大臣布朗。布莱尔忙着告别,而布朗则忙着为自己的新职位做热身。 Recently,