中共中央政治局委员 中共湖北省委书记俞正声同志指出 大力推动建筑节能工作

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要把推动建筑节能作为建设节约型社会的突破口,下定决心、全力以赴地抓紧抓好,力争一两年内取得明显进展。推行建筑节能,首先要提高认识,将其作为贯彻落实科学发展观、建设节约型社会、促进可持续发展的一项重大举措来抓。我国人均资源少,能耗水平高,如果不注意节约,经济增长势必难以为继。党中央、国务院对建设节约型社会非常重视,并作出了重要部署,我们一定要结合湖北实际,认真贯彻落实。在全社会总能耗中,建筑能耗占比高、增长快。建设节约型社会,建筑节能最容易抓,也最容易见效,而且可以带动全社会增强节约意识。各级领导干部要解放思想,转变观念,从贯彻落实科学发展观的高度,从对历史、对后人负责的高度,充分认识抓好这项工作的极端重要性。在建筑节能上现在只图省钱,将来就会造成极大的浪费。各级建设行政主管部门要把推行建筑节能作为当前和今后一个时期最重要的工作突出抓好,切切实实抓出成效。 We must take the promotion of building energy conservation as a breakthrough point for building a conservation-oriented society and make up our mind to go all out and make every effort to achieve significant progress in a year or two. To promote building energy conservation, we must first raise our awareness and regard it as a major measure to implement the scientific concept of development, build a conservation-oriented society and promote sustainable development. With less resources per capita and a high level of energy consumption, China’s economic growth is unsustainable if we do not pay attention to economy. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to building a conservation-oriented society and have made important arrangements. We must conscientiously implement the plan in line with the actual situation in Hubei. In the total energy consumption of the whole society, the proportion of building energy consumption is high and increases rapidly. Building a conservation-oriented society, the most easy to grasp building energy efficiency, but also the most effective, but also can promote the whole society to enhance awareness of conservation. Leading cadres at all levels should emancipate their minds and change their concepts. From the perspective of implementing the scientific outlook on development and from the height of being responsible for history and for future generations, we must fully understand the utmost importance of doing a good job of this task. At present, building energy saving plans now only save money, in the future will cause great waste. The administrative departments in charge of construction at all levels should give prominence to the implementation of energy conservation in buildings as the most important task for the current and future period, earnestly and effectively.
为了要上一堂选学课文《鲸》,我绞尽脑汁,都想不出有新意的方案。无奈之际,突然“灵光一闪”:何不把这堂课交给学生?有了“偷懒”的好主意,我“愁眉苦脸”地对召集来的七八个得意门生说:“老师这回惨了,这篇《鲸》不知该怎么上?请你们帮老师出出点子。”这几个小家伙一听老师求助,十分高兴,拿着我分发给他们的一些备课资料,乐呵呵地回去准备了。  第二天,学生们还真捧出了不少方案,其中小忻的方案特别完整且非常有新
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工程地点:北京西城区月坛南街8号院建筑面积:14560(地上) 建筑高度:33m 投资额:8900万元联系人:吴珊联系电话:010-68733678 Project Location: No. 8 Yue Tan South Street,
据《北京日报》载,学者解玺璋近日就年度汉字评选发表自己的看法,希望年度汉字不是“哈哈镜”。新华网年前推出了包括“爱”字在内的26个汉字的候选名单,希望通 According t