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阳光穿透云层把万缕光线洒在山峦叠嶂之间。抬望眼处,云雾将舒未舒,冰粒晶莹剔透。远与近铺陈,明与暗契合,青与黄交错,层次异乎寻常的分明——不由让人心生慨叹,即使穷尽浩瀚文字,亦难描述景象万千之一。这是他镜头语言下的黄山,纯粹,彻底,唯美。光影铭刻的瞬间,他需要付出怎样的努力,抑或再加上怎样的运气?镜头之外,更多的不是运气。他的真实人生就像一部充满好莱坞式剧情的跌宕悲喜剧。1934年他出生于江苏无锡,父亲给他取名为邵寄惠,因与“忌会”同音,遂改为邵奇惠。尔后从宜兴到保定,从成都到杭州,他在战乱年代度过颠沛流离的童年。1951年他进入杭二中,从学生会主席到团市委委员,从杭州市人民代表到全市两名留苏预备生之一,他在鲜花与掌声中迅速成长。1952年高中毕业,他不顾父亲强烈反对,留校做青年团工作。3年后调任杭州团市委办公室副主任,期间他自学英文,掌握高级速记,学会射击、摄影和骑摩托车。岂知风起于青萍之末。为人直率不知世道复杂的他,1958年因“反党反社会主义”罪名被判刑3年,其人生轨迹陡然生变。此后21年,他一直戴着反革命帽子,但他从零起步,无论在狱中还是出狱后到哈尔滨林机厂工作,都勤奋学习,向另外一条道路迈进。在林机厂23年,他不仅完成20多项重大技术革新,创新制造双指销式变传动比转向器蜗杆,还编写《专用机床设计与制造》和《数控机床》两本著作。此过程中,他亦从一名普通车间工人一步步成长为技术员、副科长、副厂长、总工程师和厂长。1985年他调任哈尔滨市委副书记。此后他做过齐齐哈尔市委书记;黑龙江省副省长、省长;机械工业部副部长和国家机械工业局局长,2009年他从国资委退休。尽管官场之路并非坦途,尽管命运之手翻云覆雨,无论天堂还是地狱,他始终做到君子坦荡荡。2015年6月26日和7月7日,81岁的邵奇惠接受本刊口述历史采访,忆往昔,谈笑间。而在两次长达5小时的叙述中,其严谨认真的人生态度总让人不由得尊为榜样。 The sun penetrates the clouds to sprinkle thousands of rays of light between the mountain peaks. Lift the eye, clouds will Shu Shu Shu, ice crystal clear. Far and near paved the way, Ming and dark fit, the green and yellow staggered, the level of unusual clear - not let people heartless sigh, even exhausted the vast text, it is difficult to describe the spectacular. This is his Huangshan language under the lens, pure, thorough, beautiful. Light and shadow engraved moment, he need to pay what kind of effort, or coupled with what kind of luck? Lens, more than luck. His real life is like a tragedy and comedy that is full of Hollywood plots. He was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1934 and his father named him Shao Chih-hui, who changed his name to Shao Qihui because of his homonym with “Avoid”. Later, from Yixing to Baoding, from Chengdu to Hangzhou, he spent his years in the war chaos away from childhood. In 1951 he entered the Hang 2 Middle School, from the President of the Student Union to the member of the League Committee of the Communist Party of China, and from Hangzhou’s people’s representatives to one of the two remaining reserve students in the city, he grew rapidly with flowers and applause. After graduating from high school in 1952, he disregarded his father’s strong opposition and left for a youth league job. After 3 years, he was transferred to the deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee Office, during which time he taught himself English, master advanced shorthand, learned shooting, photography and riding a motorcycle. Did you know the wind started at the end of Qing Ping. He was bluntly innocent of the complicated world. In 1958, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for “anti-Party and anti-socialism” charges, and his life trajectory suddenly changed. After 21 years, he always wore a counter-revolutionary hat, but he started from scratch, both in jail and after being released from prison to work in Harbin Lin Ji Factory, diligently studied and marched on another road. In the 23 years of Linji Chang, he not only completed more than 20 major technological innovations, but also made innovations in the manufacture of double pin downshift worm gears. He also wrote two books, Special Machine Design and Manufacturing and CNC Machine Tools. During this process, he also gradually grew from an ordinary shop worker into a technician, a deputy section chief, a deputy factory director, a chief engineer and a factory manager. He was transferred to the deputy secretary of Harbin municipal party committee in 1985. Since then he has done Qiqihar municipal party committee secretary; vice governor and governor of Heilongjiang Province; Vice Minister of Machinery Industry and the State Bureau of Machinery Industry, in 2009 he retired from the SASAC. Although the road to officialdom is not a smooth one, despite all the fate of destiny, heaven and hell, he has always been a gentleman. On June 26, 2015 and July 7, 2015, Shao Qihui, 81, accepted the oral oral history interview of this magazine. In the two narrations of up to five hours, his rigorous attitude toward life always makes him an example.
甲状腺功能减退发生于成年人称甲状腺机能减退症,严重时称粘液水肿,临床上不多见,而伴心包积液更罕见。本例用中西医结合治疗完全治愈,现报道于下: 赵××,男性,55岁。工人,
目的 了解肠道菌群对儿童神经系统发育的影响作用.方法 通过“肠道菌群”、“神经系统”、“神经系统疾病”等关键词或主题,在中国知网(CNKI)、万方、PubMed数据库检索相关文
目的 对比低碳饮食和低脂饮食干预2型糖尿病患者后对心血管指标的影响.方法 通过检索PubMed、EM-base、Cochrane Library、万方医学网、CNKI等数据库,至2020年10月发表的2型
目的 系统评价我国中学生睡眠障碍的患病率状况.方法 检索CBM、CNKI、万方、VIP、PubMed、Web of Science数据库关于我国中学生睡眠障碍患病状况的相关文献.应用CMAV3.0软件
首次创业失败,却发现另类商机  身材匀称,小麦色的健康皮肤,走起路来满头飘逸的秀发更显青春活力……孙俪出生在合肥市一个商人家庭,2007年从瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学留学回国后,喜欢冒险和挑战的她决定自己创业。  在欧洲生活多年的孙俪,非常看好健康管理行业,信心满满地准备大干一场。按原来的规划,她的公司会成为一批客户的私人健康管家,从体检报告入手,建立终身电子健康档案,由医生和营养师等评估健康风险,提出干
目的 了解成都市口腔卫生资源配置的现状和公平性,以期为改善与合理配置口腔卫生资源提供参考.方法 收集成都市22个区(市)县口腔卫生资源相关数据,运用基尼系数、泰尔系数和