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改革开放,特别是近10年以来,我国的城市化进程加快,截至1996年全国城市总数已达666座。《中国城市经济年鉴》1993年的统计表明,我国的城市化水平为32.8%,大体与目前亚洲地区的城市化水平33.4%相当。我国是亚洲经济发展最快的国家之一,城市化水平与本地区的平均水平相当,说明我国的城市发展速度是正常的,是符合社会、经济发展需要的。但是,我们必须看到,在城市化进程中存在着一些不容忽视的问题,如基础设施不足、供水供电紧张、道路交通拥挤、住房水平低下、文化设施落后、环境质量恶化等等。在城市化进程中应很好解决这些问题,以营造更多更美的“山水城市”。 城市是一个国家或地区政治经济、文化教育、科学技术的中心,在现代化进程中起着主导作用。目前,公认的现代化城市的标志是:①完善的基础设施;②高质量的生态环境;③高效率的工作节奏;④高水平的生活环境;⑤高度的精神文明。5条标志中就有两 Since the reform and opening up, especially in the past 10 years, the process of urbanization in China has been accelerating. As of 1996, the total number of cities in the country had reached 666. The statistics of the “China City Economic Yearbook” in 1993 showed that the urbanization level in China is 32.8%, roughly equivalent to the 33.4% level of urbanization in the current Asian region. China is one of the countries with the fastest economic development in Asia. The level of urbanization is comparable to the average level in the region. This shows that the speed of urban development in China is normal and meets the needs of social and economic development. However, we must realize that there are some problems that cannot be ignored in the process of urbanization, such as inadequate infrastructure, water and power supply, road traffic congestion, low housing levels, backward cultural facilities, and deterioration of environmental quality. In the process of urbanization, these problems should be well resolved to create more beautiful “landscape cities.” The city is the center of a country or region political economy, culture and education, science and technology, and plays a leading role in the process of modernization. At present, the recognized signs of modern cities are: (1) sound infrastructure; (2) high-quality ecological environment; (3) high-efficiency work rhythm; (4) high-level living environment; (5) high spiritual civilization. There are two of the five flags
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