最近几年,我利用在各地实地调查的机会,有意识地偏重于了解一些有关黄河以北一带的情况,特别是在环渤海地区跑了一圈之后,我心里老是挂念着天津这个大城市在全国经济格局里应占什么地位的问题。 在研究过程中,我日益觉得研究一个地方的发展问题,决不应孤立地只看这个地方。比如天津的发展,就不能孤立地就天津讲天津,而应把天津放进一个更大的区域里边去观察。我这次来天津,一路上也在想这个问题。午休时我脑子还在动,一觉醒来,心头就冒出了20个字,叫做“联合京冀,强化腹地,利用良港,创建北方经济中心”。 我们讲城市是一个地区的经济中心,是从它在经济上所起的作用而说的,对内,它起着商品集散的流通作用;对外,起着商品出纳的吞吐
In recent years, I took the opportunity of conducting field investigations in various places and consciously focused on some information about the area north of the Yellow River. Especially after running a lap in the Bohai Rim, I always miss the big city of Tianjin What is the status of the national economy? In the course of my research, I increasingly think that studying the development problems in one place should never be viewed only in isolation. For example, the development of Tianjin, Tianjin can not talk about Tianjin in isolation, Tianjin should be placed inside a larger area to observe. I came to Tianjin this time and I also thought about it. When I was at lunch break, my mind was still moving. When I woke up, my mind popped up 20 words called “Joint Beijing-Ji, Strengthening the Hinterland, Using Harbor Harbor and Creating a North Economic Center.” We say that the city is the economic center of a region and it is said from its economic role. Internally, it plays a role as a circulation of goods distribution; outward, it acts as the throughput of goods and cash registers