
来源 :山东人力资源和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfflygun
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许多国家人才强国的发展历程表明,有无日臻完善的人才发展“上、中、下游”子系统以及有序衔接的大系统,决定了人才强国的进程快慢。我国现阶段支撑人才队伍快速发展的教育体系和职业培训体系以及人才市场体系等都还很不完备,需要下大气力进行调整和构建,并将其作为一个重大系统工程。在教育系统,逐步实施股份制改造,并建立高等院校人才培养“上游”、“中游”、“下游”全方位监控调整机制、教育发展的社会管理和社会制约机制。在职业培训领域,有必要从国家战略的高度进行全国范围的、规范的、有国家资质的“人才全员培训”战略。在人才配置的市场机制建设方面,逐步运用市场机制的杠杆作用将人才全员配置和流动(涉及国家机密特殊领域除外)盘活。 The development history of the great powers of talent in many countries shows that there is an ever-improving talent development, a system of “upstream, middle and downstream” subsystems and an orderly convergence of major systems that determine the pace of the process of strengthening the nation through talent. At the present stage, the education system, vocational training system and talent market system that support the rapid development of the contingent of talents are still far from perfect. We need to exert great efforts to adjust and construct it and regard it as a major systematic project. In the education system, the shareholding system reform will be gradually implemented and the all-round monitoring and adjustment mechanism of higher education personnel training, “upstream”, “midstream” and “downstream” monitoring and social management and social control mechanisms for education development will be established. In the field of vocational training, it is necessary to carry out a nationwide, standardized and state-qualified “personnel training” strategy from the national strategic level. In the aspect of building a market mechanism for the deployment of qualified personnel, the full deployment and mobility of qualified personnel (excluding special areas involving state secrets) will be actively utilized by the leverage of the market mechanism.
A complex seepage flow field with unknown free surface was formed in the Shanghai Laogang Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill by the perimeter cut-off wall aro
当今世界需要的是高素质的人才,需要的是具有创新能力的人才。因而,教师要培养挖掘出每位学生潜在的创新能力,激发出每位学生的求知欲,好奇心,鼓励学生大胆质疑。敢想别人未想之事,敢走别人未走之路。  激发学生的创新意识,必须以物理知识为载体,充分挖掘和利用教材中具有创新意义的教学内容。新教材中的“想想议议”、“STS”、“动手动脑学物理”等内容,为我们在物理教学中培养学生的创新意识提供了大量素材,教学中
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近日,中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所所长蔡、中国社会科学院工业经济研究所工业发展室主任赵英等预测:2020年之前我们不会遇到绝对意义的劳动力短缺问题。 Recently,