Fast and accurate calculation of seismic wave travel time in 3D TTI media

来源 :应用地球物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisheng1984
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The Tilted tilted transversely isotropic(TTI)media,a kind of anisotropic medium,widely exists within the earth.For faster calculation of travel times in the TTI anisotropic media,we modified a minimum traveltime tree algorithm with high efficiency by dynamical modification of the secondary wave propagation region during the spread of seismic waves.To manage the wavefront points in the modified version,we used a novel minimum heap sorting technique to reduce the time spent on selecting secondary waves points.In this study,seismic group velocities were obtained from analytical solutions in terms of phase angle,and the corresponding phase angles were determined by binary search rather than approximate equations for weakly anisotropic media.For the most time-consuming part of the secondary wave traveltime calculation,the parallel computation was initially performed using multiple cores and threads.Numerical examples showed that the improved method can calculate seismic travel times and ray paths faster and accurately in a 3D TTI medium.For four cores and eight threads,the computing speed increased by six times when compared to the conventional method.
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