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蒜黄是人们喜食的一种鲜细蔬菜,冬季上市,尤其是在元旦或春节,不仅增添了节日蔬菜花色品种。而且增加了经济收入,冬季栽培蒜黄,方法简便,管理容易,经济效果显著。经实践证明,1平方米可种蒜头25—30公斤收蒜黄35—45公斤,收入可达50—60元以上。其栽培要点如下: 一、选择生产场地。蒜黄是在无光条件下生长的一种失绿蔬菜,因不见阳光而呈金黄色。场地要选择利用温室,大棚、地窖等场所进行栽培。栽培蒜黄地窖一般深80~120厘米,长宽视场地和栽培量而定,栽培池内 Garlic yellow is a kind of fleshy vegetables that people like to eat. It is marketed in winter, especially on New Year’s Day or Spring Festival. It not only adds variety of festive vegetables and flowers. But also increase the economic income, winter cultivation of garlic yellow, the method is simple, easy to manage, the economic effect is remarkable. Practice has proved that 1 square meters can be 25-30 kg of garlic garlic 35-45 kg received garlic, income of up to 50-60 yuan. The cultivation points are as follows: First, choose the production site. Garlic yellow is a loss of green vegetables grown in the absence of light, because the sun was golden yellow. Venues to choose the use of greenhouses, greenhouses, cellars and other places for cultivation. Cultivated garlic yellow cellar generally 80 to 120 cm deep, long and wide field of view and cultivation may be, within the cultivation pool
高志义为青海省武警总队离休干部、青海省观赏石协会名誉会长、青海“江河源奇石馆” 馆长、青海“源石斋”斋主、《三江源奇石集》主编。爱石藏石多年,离休后更加热爱石文化,
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