
来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laumood
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In the asset valuation of oil and gas reserves, it is discovered that the production decline trend of wells is not very obvious and that it is hard to make a production forecast matching the production history, thus resulting in a significant deviation of oil and gas asset value. For production with a significant fluctuation, the value deviation is also considerable if the matching production, which is predicted with classical decline methods, cannot appropriately reflect the time value distribution of actual production. To mitigate such a deviation, a concept is proposed concerning the value constrained production forecast and the value constrained production decline model is developed. A field case is demonstrated as an application of such a model. The model can significantly decrease the risk in the value deviation of a production decline analysis and be applied to the production forecasts for a single well, well clusters, blocks or field scale,and even for other mining industries.
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高耸钢结构的吊装 ,一般多采用扳转法和双桅杆抬吊法等整体吊装方法 ,本文介绍采用 2 5 0t履带吊车分段吊装烟囱的一些关键技术 ,包括烟囱塔架吊装索具、塔架吊耳和偏心吊装
他巴唑治疗甲亢,引起急性粒细胞缺乏症屡见不鲜。但引起急性再生障碍性贫血者(以下简称再障)却少见。我院曾收治1例,现报告如下: 1 病历摘要患者,女性,28岁。突然高热伴咽痛
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