数学概念是数学基础知识的核心。加强数学概念的教学,是提高数学教学质量的关键之一。 概念是科学抽象的结果,是人们在实践的基础上得到丰富的感性材料,经过去粗取精,去伪存真,由此及彼,由表及里的改造过程,舍去了事物的次要方面,保留了事物的本质属性,便形成了概
The concept of mathematics is the core of mathematics basics. Strengthening mathematics teaching is one of the keys to improving the quality of mathematics teaching. Concepts are the result of scientific abstraction. People are rich in perceptual materials on the basis of practice. After roughening and refining, and falsifying truth, the process of reforming from the surface to the interior and the secondary aspects of things are preserved. The essential attributes of the