
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thangna9806
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目的:2006年9月本溪地区发生两起食物中毒,共98人,均与食用菜豆角有关,为了快速准确查明中毒原因,以预防发生类似食物中毒。方法:在实验室检测过程中,应用了微量凝集检测红细胞凝集素的方法,检测中毒剩余样品,呕吐物中红细胞凝集素含量,并与相关性对照试验进行比较。结果:在2份剩余菜豆角,3份呕吐物中均检出大量红细胞凝集素,而加热彻低的对照物中未检出。结论:两起食物中毒的原因是食用当地产的一种菜豆角(俗称面豆角)未经彻底加热,加工方式不当,毒素未被彻底破坏造成;微量凝集检测红细胞凝集素方法,在菜豆食物中毒事件检测实际应用中快捷、准确、方便实用。 OBJECTIVE: In September 2006, two food poisoning occurred in Benxi, a total of 98 people, all of which were related to the consumption of beans. In order to quickly and accurately identify the causes of poisoning, similar food poisoning was prevented. Methods: In the laboratory test, the method of microagglutination detection of hemagglutinin was used to detect the content of hemagglutinin in the remaining samples of poisoning and vomit, and compared with the correlation control test. Results: A large amount of hemagglutinin was detected in 2 of the remaining cabbage noodles, 3 vomitus, and was not detected in the control with low heating. Conclusion: The cause of the two food poisoning is that it is caused by the consumption of locally-produced cabbage bean (commonly known as noodles) without proper heating, improper processing, and incomplete destruction of toxins. Trace agglutination detection of hemagglutinin Practical application of event detection fast, accurate, convenient and practical.
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