Biodiversity and Dynamics of Planthoppers and Their Natural Enemies in Rice Fields with Different Ni

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A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer rates i.e. 200, 100 and 0 kg N/ha in paddy fields at International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. Biodiversity of arthropods sampled by Blower-Vac, and dynamics of planthoppers, egg parasitoids of Homoptera trapped by rice plants with eggs of brown planthoppers (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (St?l), and web spiders on rice canopy collected by sweeping net, were analyzed at different rice growth stages. The most abundant arthropods were sampled at the milking stage of rice, totalling 116 species identified into 14 insect orders and 15 species of spider in all samples. Meanwhile the number of arthropod species significantly increased with rice growth and the diversity indices increased with the increase of nitrogen rate at the booting stage. On the other hand, in the dominant predators, Pardosa pseudoannulata, Callitrichi formosana, Micraspis sp., Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, Veliidae sp. and Mesoveliidae sp., only C. lividipennis and Micraspis sp. were increased significantly in abundance following the application of nitrogen at the milking stage of rice. The egg parasitoids of plant-hoppers were predominated by Anagrus flaveolus and Oligosita sp. and their densities in the field without nitrogen fertilizer were markedly higher than those in fields with 100 and 200 kg N/ha at both booting and milking stages of rice. The number and web area of dominant residential spiders Tetragnatha sp. and Araneus sp. in rice canopy significantly reduced with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer. The population density of planthoppers, included BPH and the white-backed planthoppers (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera Horváth, peaked during the booting stage, however, the number of BPH in rice field with 200 kg N/ha was considerably higher than those in other two rice fields with 100 kg N/ha and 0 kg N/ha at the booting as well as the milking stage. These results indicated that the rapid growth in populations of planthopper due to excessive nitrogen might be attributed to the combination of reduction in control capacity of natural enemies and strong simulation of nitrogen to planthoppers. A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer rates ie 200, 100 and 0 kg N / ha in paddy fields at International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. Biodiversity of arthropods sampled by Blower-Vac, and dynamics of planthoppers , egg parasitoids of Homoptera trapped by rice plants with eggs of brown planthoppers (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (St? l), and web spiders on rice canopy collected by sweeping net, were analyzed at different rice growth stages. The most abundant arthropods were sampled at the milking stage of rice, totalling 116 species identified as 14 insect orders and 15 species of spider in all samples. Meanwhile the number of arthropod species increased increased with rice growth and the diversity indices increased with the increase of nitrogen rate at the booting stage On the other hand, in the dominant predators, Pardosa pseudoannulata, Callitrichi formosana, Micraspis sp., Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, Veliidae sp. And Meso veliidae sp., only C. lividipennis and Micraspis sp. were increased significantly in abundance following the application of nitrogen at the milking stage of rice. The egg parasitoids of plant-hoppers were predominated by Anagrus flaveolus and Oligosita sp. and their densities in the The number and web area of ​​dominant residential spiders, Tetragnatha sp. and Araneus sp. in rice canopy significant reduced with with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer. The population density of planthoppers, included BPH and the white-backed planthoppers (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera Horváth, peaked during the booting stage, however, the number of BPH in rice field with 200 kg N / ha was considerably higher than those in other two rice fields with 100 kg N / ha and 0 kg N / ha at the booting as well as the milking stage. These results indicated that the rapid growth in popu lations of planthopper due to excessive nitrogen might be attributed to the combination of reduction in control capacity of natural enemies and strong simulation of nitrogen to planthoppers.
【摘要】分析听障儿童和健听儿童口腔共鸣的差异。方法:对我中心收治的3-5岁的听障儿童30名和30名健听儿童进行分析,两组患儿中,都是男性患儿15例,女性患儿15例,采用软件对他们的第一共振峰、第二共振峰和第三共振峰的差异进行分析。结果:听障儿童的第一共振峰低于健听儿童,其第二共振峰高于健听儿童。结论:听障儿童在空腔共鸣存在一定的障碍。  【关键词】听障儿童;口腔共鸣;障碍  【中图分类号】R765
【摘要】班主任作为班级的管理者、教育者和组织者,在班集体的发展和学生的健康成长中起着十分重要的作用,深刻影响着每个学生全面发展。爱是教育的灵魂,对于差生更是如此,只有热爱学生,才能正确对待,宽容学生所犯的错误,才能耐心地去雕塑每一位学生,要把学生的思想工作做到心里去,用充满感情的言辞去点燃学生的感情之火,与学生的交流不仅仅是语言上的,更是心与心的碰撞,用真挚的情感燃起学生新的希望。  【关键词】班
【中图分类号】G625.1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)16-0276-01  班主任是班级工作的组织者和管理者,班主任与科任老师的关系是否协调,直接影响到班级的建设。关系协调,感情融洽,才能很好的建设和管理一个班集体。  1.心理学的角度讲,和谐的人际关系,能带给人良好的情绪体验,有利于发挥人的潜能和创造性,从而高效率地学习和工作。  班主任与科任老师的关系协调得
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