
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a568420740
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龟纹瓢虫[Propylaea japonica(Thun-berg)] 是我省安庆沿江两熟套种棉区中棉花主要害虫蚜虫和棉铃虫的天敌优势种群之一.1978~1983年在安庆、怀宁、东至等市、县棉区调查,瓢虫种类有龟纹、黑襟毛、异色、稻红等瓢虫,其中龟纹瓢虫占总量的48.4—99.4%,在棉田存量大,出现早,时间长,适应性强,是棉田中具有生物防效和发展前途的种群.根据多年研究结果整理如下: Propylaea japonica (Thun-berg)] is one of the predominant population of natural enemies of cotton aphids and cotton bollworm in the cotton fields of two-cropping interplanting along the Yangtze River in Anqing of our province. From 1978 to 1983, Other cities and counties cotton area investigation, the ladybug species are turtle pattern, black lapel, heterochromatic, red rice and other ladybugs, of which the ladybug Tuobu accounted for 48.4-99.4% of the total, large stock in cotton fields, appeared early, A long time, adaptability, is the cotton field with biological control and development prospects of the population.According to many years of research results are as follows:
蓖麻(Ricinus communis)是一种特殊的工业油料作物,我国分布范围广,栽培历史悠久。解放以来,随着工农业生产日益发展和出口任务的不断增加,我国蓖麻生产曾出现过几次较大的
棉花黑根腐病[Thilaviopsis basicola(Berk & Br·)Ferravis]也称褐根病或黑色烂根,近年来,在新疆的阿克苏、库尔勒、喀什和石河子等地均有发生,以海岛棉受害最重,威胁棉花
目的为商陆的开发和利用提供依据。方法利用光学显微技术、组织化学定位方法对美洲商陆Phytolacca decandra不同生长龄的根、茎和叶进行解剖结构研究。结果除幼根外,不同生长
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