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  Captain Xie Beizhen (front) and crew members Wang Minjuan (center) and Dong Chen walk out of the Moon Palace 1 capsule in Beijing on May 20, after spending 105 days in the closed lab.
  It was China’s first manned test of the Moon Palace 1, a 500-cubic-meter module that is the country’s first bio-regenerative life-support base, and also the world’s third largest.
  During the experiment, the volunteers ate only laboratory-grown plants and insects.

   Urumqi Blast
  A terrorist attack in Urumqi, capital of northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, left at least 31 dead and 94 injured on May 22, according to local authorities.
  Two vehicles without license plates broke through roadside fences and plowed into crowds at an open air market at Park North Street near Renmin Park at 7:50 a.m. and explosive devices were set off, a statement issued by the regional government revealed.
  In response to the attack, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to severely punish terrorists and spare no efforts in maintaining stability.
  Xi asked local authorities to solve the case quickly, put the injured under proper care and offer condolences to the families of the victims.
  All injured were rushed to hospitals. The regional government has launched an emergency response system and organized medical efforts for treatment of the injured, said the statement.
  Witnesses who saw the two offroad vehicles drive into people from the south end of the market. Explosives were thrown before the vehicles exploded.
  Many of the injured were elderly people who frequently visited the morning market, according to witnesses.
  A business owner in the market told Xinhua News Agency that he heard a dozen large explosions.
   Cyber Security
  Latest data from the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center of China (NCNERTTCC) showed that from March 19 to May 18, a total of 2,077 Trojan horse networks or botnet servers in the United States directly controlled 1.18 million host computers in China.
  The NCNERTTCC found 135 host computers in the United States carrying 563 phishing pages targeting Chinese websites that led to 14,000 phishing operations. In the same period, the center found 2,016 IP addresses in the United States had implanted backdoors in 1,754 Chinese websites, leading to 57,000 backdoor attacks.   Hackers in the United States have attacked, infiltrated and tapped into Chinese networks belonging to the government, institutions, enterprises, universities and major communication networks. Activities have targeted Chinese leaders, ordinary citizens and mobile phone users.
   Windows 8 Ban
  China has announced that it will forbid the installation of Microsoft’s Windows 8 operating system (OS) on government computers, a move that looks to ensure computer security in the wake of Microsoft dropping support for Windows XP.
  All desktops, laptops and tablet PCs that are purchased by state organs must use an OS other than Windows 8, according to an online statement by the Central Government Procurement Center.
  The measure only targets computers used by government offices, while the personal computer market is expected to stay unaffected.
  Currently, most government computers run Windows XP, which has a 70-percent market share in China. However, Microsoft ended support for this 13-year-old system on April 8, citing safety concerns and appeals for domestically designed OS. China has also pledged to focus on the development of its own OS, which is to be based on Linux.
   Subsidies for Women
  Over 3.6 million Chinese women had received micro-financing worth 180 billion yuan ($28.87 billion) by the end of March, according to a statement issued by the All-China Women’s Federation on May 16.
  Central and local government subsidies contributed more than 12 billion yuan ($1.92 billion) to this financing.
  China began issuing microfinancing to women to encourage entrepreneurship and poverty reduction in 2009. The loans have helped boost the economy in underdeveloped western and rural regions, according to the federation.
   Tibetology Databases
  China will give importance to building research databases for Tibetology, according to the Fourth National Tibetology Coordination Meeting held in Beijing on May 17. The meeting is held every four years.
  Tibetology institutes will boost their efforts to build databases of Tibetologists, their work and relevant policies, according to the meeting.
  Aside from the databases, Tibetologists will also conduct systematic studies on Tibet’s museum archives, stone tablet inscriptions, cultural relics, folk culture and Tibetan languages.
  Since the last national meeting coordinating Tibetology research in China was held in 2010, several major research projects have been carried out, including studies on the Buddhist canon, the history of Tibet, the history of Tibetan Buddhism and the environment and landscape of the Tibetan Plateau.    New Jobs
  China created 4.73 million jobs in the first four months of 2014, slightly more than the number created in the same period last year, figures from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security showed on Wednesday. At the end of March, the country’s registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.08 percent.
  The rate was 0.03 percentage points higher than at the end of last year.
  In the first quarter, China’s economic growth dipped to 7.4 percent, the lowest level since the third quarter of 2012.
   Underwater Vessel
  Testing of China’s first underwater archaeological exploration vessel has begun in Chongqing Municipality.
  The 500-tonne, 56-meter ship has a maximum displacement of 960 tons, and can carry a crew of 30, according to an official with the Chongqing Culture and Heritage Commission.
  Underwater archaeology in China has made great strides since the
  1980s and there are now a number of professional institutions and teams that work in the field. The lack of properly equipped vessels and ships has long been a problem.
  This ship will continue testing in Shanghai before sailing out to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea to commence operations.
   Life in Another’s Shoes
  Primary school students in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, wear blindfolds to experience how people with vision impairments navigate on May 16. Since 1990, China has designated the third Sunday of May as National Day of Assisting Disabled Persons.

   Close to the Past
  A visitor looks at a display in Yangzhou Museum in Jiangsu Province on May 18, which was International Museum Day.
  The number of museums registered in China reached 4,165 in 2013, up 299 from the previous year, according to newly released figures.
  According to a report released by the Ministry of Culture, China witnessed 637.77 million museum visits last year, 13.1 percent more than the previous year.
   Reform Priorities
  The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on May 20 released economic priorities for 2014 in a plan that has been approved by the State Council, the country’s cabinet.
  The NDRC said authorities will cut red tape and slash items that need administrative approval.
  China will continue to expand the scope of value-added tax (VAT) reform and move to regulate financing of local governments.   A new mechanism of the yuan exchange rate will be developed and the volatility of the rate increased. Capital account convertibility will expand in an orderly manner.
  Eligible private investors will be allowed to start financial institutions like small or medium banks and invest in established ones.
  As prices are stable, China will reform prices of resource products and in sectors including transportation, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
  State-owned enterprises will move toward mixed ownership through a cooperation mechanism between state and social capital.
   Solar Industry Enraged
  China’s photovoltaic (PV) industry issued a statement on May 21, opposing the second U.S. anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations on Chinese PV products.
  Representatives from the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, China Renewable Energy Industry Association, China PV Industry Alliance and major manufacturers including Yingli Solar and Trina Solar, pushed down a symbolic “wall of trade barriers” at a press conference in Shanghai on May 21.
  The joint statement called for the United States and China to solve the disputes through negotiations.
  Chinese PV products are well received the world over for their low cost and efficiency, high quality and comprehensive after-sales services, and the industry has no need whatsoever to engage in activities involving dumping and illegal subsidies, according to the statement.
  Trade protectionism seriously hinders industrial development and will affect the development of the U.S. real economy as well as its employment levels, it said.
  On February 14, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) determined an affirmative indication regarding injury to the U.S. industry as part of the new anti-dumping and countervailing duty petitions against PV products from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
  It was the second U.S. investigation against Chinese PV products, counting a similar probe in 2011, and it has seriously affected the Chinese PV industry and hindered the development of the U.S. PV application market.
  The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to release the preliminary countervailing duty investigation results on June 2 and the preliminary antidumping investigation results on July 28, before releasing the final results on December 11. The USITC will determine whether or not to levy taxes on January 26, 2015.    Partnering With Russia
  A joint investment vehicle set up by Chinese and Russian sovereign wealth funds announced three deals on May 20 in Shanghai that see it diversify into the service sectors of the two countries. Nearly seven months after its$200-million deal to acquire a 42-percent stake in Russia’s second largest forestry company, the Russian-China Investment Fund (RCIF) is eyeing opportunities to expand its investment into sectors such as logistics, healthcare and tourism, according to Kirill Dmitriev, coCEO of RCIF.
  In addition, it will pursue projects in agriculture, energy and natural resources.
  Under the new deal, RCIF will partner with a Russian development fund to commit $400 million in both equity and debt for the construction of a crossborder railway bridge, the first to span across China’s border with Russia over Heilongjiang River, also known as Amur River in Russia.
  The fund also joined Hopu Investment Management Co., a private equity firm in China, in a deal to invest an undisclosed amount into Global Logistics Property, which operates logistic infrastructures in China, Japan and Brazil.
  Dmitriev said the motive behind the deal is to acquire expertise in logistics management, which will be useful when Russia develops its own logistics projects in the future.
   Home Prices Drop
  China’s property sector showed new signs of cooling in April, with more Chinese cities reporting month-onmonth drops in prices and fewer cities reporting gains, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on May 18.
  Of a statistical pool of 70 major Chinese cities, new homes in eight cities saw month-on-month price declines in April, double of the figure from March.
  A total of 44 cities saw month-onmonth price gains in new home prices in April, down from 56 for March and 57 for February. Among the 44 cities with rising new home prices, growth decelerated in 31 cities.
  Hangzhou, east China’s Zhejiang Province, saw its new home price drop- ping the most of the 70 cities, down by 0.7 percent from March.
  For existing homes, 22 cities saw month-on-month declines with Hangzhou also dropping the most, by 0.8 percent.
  Prices for existing homes increased in 35 cities month on month in April, notably down from 42 cities in March and from 46 in February.
   Diversifying Financing
  The NDRC has invited social capital to invest in a list of 80 projects, the latest step in bringing private funds to infrastructure investment.   It is also an attempt to inject vitality into the economy.
  The list covers construction and operation of railways, roads, harbors, wind power stations and oil pipelines. Opening these sectors to social capital will speed up changes of investment and financing regimes and diversify investment sources. Most of the industries used to be dominated by state capital and were off-limits to private and foreign investors.
  Social capital, particularly private investment, is welcomed and encouraged to participate in the construction and operation of such facilities through joint ventures, wholly funded entities or franchise businesses, the NDRC said.
  The private sector accounted for 63 percent of fixed-asset investment last year, according to the NBS.
   Blue Skies for Transport
  A train runs on the Lhasa-Shigatse Railway in Tibet Autonomous Region. As an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the line covers a length of 253 km. With a designed speed of 120 km hour, it will take no more than two hours from Lhasa to Shigatse.

   Real Estate Fund
  The first real estate investment trust(REIT) fund in China’s domestic market started trading on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 21, the Shanghai Securities News reported.
  CITIC Securities, the country’s largest brokerage firm, issued the fund product.
  REITs mainly invest in existing commercial properties and pay rent collected from them as dividend.
  They are prohibited from investing in property development projects and turning into a fundraising channel for developers, according to the report.
  The fund product offers an investment alternative in the capital market and is expected to help Chinese investors to diversify their portfolio, said analysts.
   More Outlets in China
  Walmart Stores, the world’s largest supermarket chain, announced on May 20 that it will build about 30 new stores and more distribution centers in China this year.
  The U.S. retailer said it will continue to develop businesses in the country’s big cities. And more supercenters will be built in third- and fourth-tier cities to serve emerging consumers amid China’s urbanization drive.
  Walmart also plans to open two new branches of its Sam’s Club chain of membership-only retail warehouses, in Wuhan of central China’s Hubei Province and Changzhou in east China’s Jiangsu Province, this year.
  The retailer also decided to invest 580 million yuan ($94 million) to upgrade about 55 old outlets, aiming to improve operating performance and the customer experience.
  By the end of April, it had over 400 outlets in the country.
   Silk Road Building Blocks

  Containers line up neatly in Lianyungang Port of east coastal Jiangsu Province.
  On May 19, phase one of the China-Kazakhstan logistics cooperation base was commenced to boost the Silk Road economic belt.
  The project is jointly funded by Lianyungang Port and the Kazakhstan Railway Express Logistics Co., with a total investment of 606 million yuan ($97 million).
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