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建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然要求,是我国国有企业改革的方向。坚定不移地贯彻党中央确定的国有企业领导体制“三句话”精神,是建立现代企业制度下的领导体制的基本原则和根本准则。对此,本文结合我公司在股份改造和建立集团公司过程中,如何建立适应现代企业制度要求的企业领导体制,谈三点体会:一、构建新型的领导体制,为建立现代企业领导制度奠定基础企业进行股份制改造和组建集团公司,领导体制要与现代企业制度相适应,就必须按照《公司法》及规范化运作方式,坚持法定程序和党章规定,采取有效措施,使党委成员进入领导层,行政领导进入党委会,实现党政交叉任职体系。党组织负责人和党委成员通过法定程序进入董事会、监事会,这便于国有股东当选为董事,使党委成员在董事会中占有较多的席位。遵循这一思路,我公司在去年召开的股东大会上,原厂长和党委书记分别当选为董事长和副董事长,原常务副厂长和党委副书记被聘为总经理和副总经理;党委委员、工会主席当选为监事会主席。作为国有股股权代表推荐给股东大会的7名董事全 Establishing a modern enterprise system is an inevitable requirement for the development of socialized large-scale production and market economy, and is the direction of China’s state-owned enterprise reform. Unswervingly implementing the spirit of the “three sentences” principle of the leadership system of state-owned enterprises established by the Party Central Committee is the basic principle and basic principle for establishing a leadership system under the modern enterprise system. In this regard, this article combines our company’s transformation of shares and the establishment of a group company, how to establish a corporate leadership system that meets the requirements of modern enterprise systems, talk about three experiences: First, build a new type of leadership system, lay the foundation for the establishment of a modern enterprise leadership system When companies reform shareholding systems and establish group companies, and the leadership system must adapt to the modern enterprise system, they must follow the “Company Law” and standardized operation methods, adhere to legal procedures and party constitution regulations, and take effective measures to enable party committee members to enter the leadership level, Leaders entered the party committee to achieve a cross-service system of party and government. Party organization leaders and party committee members entered the board of directors and board of supervisors through statutory procedures, which made it easier for state-owned shareholders to be elected as directors, so that members of the Party committee have more seats on the board of directors. Following this line of thinking, at the shareholders’ meeting held last year, the original factory manager and secretary of the party committee were respectively elected as the chairman of the board of directors and deputy chairman of the board of directors. The former standing deputy director and the deputy secretary of the party committee were appointed as general manager and deputy general manager; Party committee members and labor union chairmen were elected chairmen of the board of supervisors. As the representative of the state-owned shares, the 7 directors recommended to the shareholders’ meeting
日前,一段助人为乐的佳话在抚顺市传播开来。  66岁的李奎春老爷爷是位盲人,家住抚顺市新抚区刘山街道胜地社区,自从老伴去世后,他就独立生活。虽然双目失明,但身体还算硬朗。平日里买菜做饭、洗衣打扫都是他一个人完成。  去年底一场大雪过后,天气特别寒冷,由于家附近没有菜市场,李爷爷特意在下午 3点太阳光足的时候,拿着探路的棍子小心翼翼地走出家门,费了很大的力气才上了公交车。这条路他平常很熟的,哪个地方