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针对地表植被覆盖、死地被物敷盖、裸地3种类型的坡面,采用径流小区试验方法,研究江西红壤表层(距地表30 cm)、底层(距地表60 cm)壤中流及地下径流(距地表105 cm)特征,运用数理统计方法分析壤中流流量、流速、历时与降雨、径流因子的相关关系。结果表明:1.与裸地相比,百喜草覆盖、死地被物敷盖显著增加壤中流量,2种措施都延长壤中流历时;2.壤中流量与雨量、雨强、降雨历时、初渗雨量呈正相关关系,覆盖、敷盖小区壤中流量受雨量影响较大,而裸地小区壤中流量受雨强影响较大;3.表层壤中流历时与降雨因子有较好相关性,而底层壤中流历时与降雨因子相关性很差;降雨历时对壤中流历时影响最大,降雨量影响最小;4.壤中流流速与因子的关系受措施及土层深影响,在植被覆盖、死地被物敷盖小区表层与雨量相关性最好,在裸地表层与雨强相关性最好。在各小区底层流速均与降雨历时相关性最好;5.裸地地表径流量与壤中流量相关关系不显著,在采取2种措施后,地表径流量与壤中流量呈线性正相关关系。随地表径流量的增大,覆盖措施壤中流量增大幅度大于敷盖措施。 Aiming at the three types of slope covered by vegetation cover and dead material, the runoff plots were used to study the distribution of surface flow and underground runoff of the red soil surface (30 cm above the ground surface) and the bottom layer (60 cm above the ground surface) 105 cm from the surface). The relationship between the flow, the flow rate, the duration and the rainfall and runoff factors in the soil was analyzed by mathematical statistics. The results showed that: (1) Compared with the bare land, the hippophae rhamnoides was covered and deadly covered by matter, which significantly increased the flow rate in the soil. Both measures prolonged the duration of flow in the soil. (2) The initial rainfall amount showed a positive correlation. The flow rate in the soil covered and covered by the covered area was greatly affected by rainfall, while the flow rate in the bare soil area was greatly influenced by the rainfall intensity.3. However, the correlation between the flow duration and the rainfall factor in the bottom soil is very poor. The rainfall duration has the greatest impact on the mid-stream flow duration and the least rainfall impact.4. The relationship between the flow velocity and the factor in the soil is affected by the measures and the deep soil layer. The correlation between surface layer and rainfall is the best, and the correlation between rain surface and the bare surface is the best. The correlation between the runoff and the rainfall duration in the bottom of each plot is the best.5. The correlation between the runoff and the flow in the bare soil is not significant. After taking two measures, there is a linear positive correlation between the surface runoff and the flow in the soil. With the increase of surface runoff, the flow rate of covering measures increased more than that of cover measures.