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  1. Would you mind turning down the music?
  ◇Would you mind doing…? 意思是“你介意……吗?请你……好不好”,表示请求。mind one’s doing…意为“你介意某人做某事吗?”。例如:
  Would you mind opening the window? 打开窗户你介意吗?
  Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?
  ◇turn down意思是“开小点”。 例如:
  Please turn the television down a bit. 请把电视机音量关小点。
  ①——Would you mind ____ my pet dog when I am out?(07重庆)
   ——Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for my test this week.
   A. take care of B. taking care of
   C. to take care of D. taking care
  ②——It’s a bit cold. Would you mind my ____ all the windows?
   ——Do as you like, please. (07淄博)
   A. close B. will close C. closing D. to close
  ③——Nancy, you may listen to the radio. But would you mind
  ____? Your father is sleeping.
   ——I’m sorry. I’ll do it right now. (07烟台)
   A. turning it down B. turning it up
   C. turning it on D. turning it off
  2. No, not at all. 好,可以。
  ◆not at all意思是“根本不;一点儿也不”,表示“同意”对方的请求。
  ——Would you mind going shopping with us?
  ——No, not at all. 不,当然不(介意)。
  ◆not at all还可表示“不客气”,是对别人的道谢、道歉的回答。相当于That’s all right./You’re welcome.等答语。例如:
  ——Thank you very much for your help? 非常感谢你的帮助。
  ——Not at all. 别客气。
  ——Would you mind my using your dictionary?
  ——____. Here it is.(07临汾)
   A. Of course B. No, thanks C. No, not at all
  3. You have to help me in the kitchen. 在厨房里你必须帮助我。
  have to是情态动词,意思是“必须,不得不”,有人称、数和时态的变化,常表示“因客观需要必须做某事”。have to的一般疑问句及其答语和其否定式与其他情态动词不同,需用助动词do构成。
  ▲must与have to的区别:
  have to表示客观上的要求,而must则强调主观上认为必须做某事,或有义务做某事;have to的否定结构don’t have to意思是“不必,无需”,相当于needn’t,而must的否定结构mustn’t意思是“禁止,不许”;have to有时态、人称和单复数的变化,而must没有这些变化。
  ①——I can’t stop smoking, doctor. (07辽宁十二市)
  ——For your health, I’m afraid you ____.
   A. may B. need C. have to D. must
  ②When traffic lights are red, we ____ stop and wait.(07南京市)
   A. may B. can C. must D. might
  4. If that happens, I won’t go back to that store again.
  ◇主句中有will, shall, won’t等将来谓语。例如:
  We won’t go shopping if it rains tomorrow.
  ◇主句中有may, can, must等情态动词。例如:
  If you want to be a college student, you must study hard.
  Please come to see me if you have time. 如果有时间,请过来看我。
  ①I’ll do it better if the teacher ____ me another chance.(07河北省)
   A. give B. gives C. gave D. will give
  ②I ____ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. (07北京市)
   A. will return B. returned C. have returned D. return
  5. I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and don’t return it. 当同学借我的橡皮不还时,我会很气恼。
  Mike returned home the day before yesterday. 迈克前天回到了家里。
  I returned him the computer games last Saturday.
  ①——I’m sorry that John is out.(07重庆)
  ——Please ask him to call me as soon as he ____.
   A. returned B. returns C. will return
  ②——Mum, ____ shall we have lunch?(07连云港)
   ——We will have it when your dad ____.
   A. when, returns B. where, returns
   C. where, will return D. when, will return
  6. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed.
  They don’t allow smoking here.他们不允许在这儿吸烟。
  We allowed her to go to the party.我们允许她去参加聚会。
  ①Twelve-year-olds should not ____ to drive in China. (07兰州)
  A. allowB. be allowC. allowedD. be allowed
  ②We ____ to go into the school unless we are in school uniforms. (07厦门)
   A. allow B. are allowed C. are not allowed
  7.If someone is smoking on the bus, we could ask, excuse me, could you please put out that cigarette?
  put out意为“熄灭,关熄”,指人为的将灯、火熄灭;而go out则是指灯、火的自行熄灭。例如:
  She put out the light before she left.她离开前关上了灯。
  When I was doing my homework yesterday evening, the light went out. 昨晚我做作业时灯灭了。
  ①After eight hours’ hard work, the firemen finally ____ the forest fire.(07连云港)
   A. put away B. put out C. put down D. put in
  ②——Excuse me, could you please ____ your cigarette? (07随州)
   ——Of course.
   A. put out B. put up C. put on D. put off
  8.If you see someone you know doing this, you can ask them, would you mind picking it up?
  pick up意为“捡起,拾起;取物,接人;收拾,整理”,代词作宾语时要放在pick和up之间。例如:
  She picked up a short pencil from the floor.
  My pen is under your desk, Jim. Please help me pick it up.
  He ____ a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.
   A. picked up B. threw away C. looked for D. handed in
1.“I have said it a hundred times. we need team work, always seek the best in others. The purpose of this trip, is to train our team in a real situation and to test our new members. Those deserving sp
南京市玄武区外国语学校学生吴雯,在去年全市组织的初中升高中考试中,以707分(含10分加分)的总分成绩,荣获2007年南京市中考总分状元称号。  “灯下纸上,孜孜以求,永不懈怠;沙坑跑道,竭尽全力,拼搏奋进;付出汗水,收获快乐,冲破风雨磨砺;摒弃哭泣,选择微笑,接受阳光洗礼。清秀、安静、却不失活力;谦虚、内敛,却有颗坚强的心。同学眼中,她是课后助人解疑的身影;老师心中,她是失败后抹去泪水的微笑”。
We’ve always been told it’s true, but now experts have proved that money really can’t buy you happiness.   They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world
Ⅰ.Complete the following words we’ve learned in this unit.根据本单元所学词汇,补全下列单词。  1._oll_ _t2.sh_ll  3.s_ve_al4.p_lar  5.b_mb_ _6.c_mm_n  7.d_scr_be8.p_l_te  9._il_age10.p_ _ti_ul_ _ly  Ⅱ.Look at the follo
Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 (每小题1分,共5分)     1. I’d like to take the s____ to school.   2. Would you like to travel by bus or by t____?    3. Mike rides his bike to the bus s____.   4. It takes me about 25 m____
Ⅰ.Now you must go out, and you should ask your sister to do some housework for you, please tell her what she need to do politely.(给妹妹留个口信,告诉她为你做一些家务活。)(10分)  Here is the list of your requests:    clea
Ⅰ.单项选择填空。   1. ____ you mind ____ me the way?  A. Would; to tellB. Would; telling  C. Will; tellD. Will; to tell   2. ——Would you mind if I smoke?  ——____.  A. Yes, please doB. Not at all   C. All rig
1.Alison was the first one to skate, and has been skating for the whole five hours.  阿里森是第一个开始滑冰的,到现在一直滑了整整五个小时。  解读 (1)“be the+序数词+to do sth.”是第几个做某事的。例如:  I’m the oldest in my family, so I’m the las
Ⅰ.单项选择     1. ____ does your father get to work, by train or by car?  A. HowB. How oftenC. How longD. What about   2. First, ____ you have everything ready for camping, such as food, drinks and clothe
同学们每天都与paper打交道,那么Paper有多少层意思呢?    一、作名词用:    1.纸(不可数名词)。比如我们常说的:a piece of paper一张纸  2.(口语)报纸(newspaper)如:  a daily paper日报  a school paper校报/刊  a morning paper晨报  an evening paper晚报