Latest Development in China's Oil Refining & Petrochemical Sector

来源 :中国油气:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MR65445
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<正>China's big-three oil companies - CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC - have intensified their competition in the domestic oil refining and petrochemical sector in recent years so as to better position themselves in the oil products market at home.
<正>Fifty years ago,New China&#39;s first gusher of crude oil erupted from a little-known place in northeast China&#39;s Heilongjiang Province.It was given the
<正>Overview of CMCD CMCD here refers to the one of Manage Pressure Drilling (MPD). Application of CMCD in deepwater is closely related with the development of
<正>China’s natural gas output will at least double the present volume in the coming decade to reach 150 billion to 200 billion cubic meters, according to Petr
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<正>Current state of technology for China-made drilling rigs With accelerated oil & gas exploration and development,and the implementation of&#39;going out&#39
<正>Soaring oil prices have not slowed China’s consumption of oil as statistics show that China’s apparent
<正>In the past 20 years,the world&#39;s major oil companies have embarked on merger and restructuring successively and therefore beefed up their overall streng