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目的了解广州市居民含反式脂肪酸(TFA)食物消费状况。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法并考虑广州市区域发展水平差异,2011年抽取广州市越秀区、荔湾区、黄埔区、白云区、番禺区、花都区和南沙区进行调查。对每个区进行系统抽样抽取6个居委会,每个居委会随机抽取40户,凡抽中的住户≥3岁家庭成员均进行调查。采用自行设计的问卷,问卷调查内容包括调查户家庭基本情况、调查对象个人基本情况和个人过去3个月内含TFA食物消费的频率。调查户基本情况调查包括家庭经济收入、家庭人口数、民族等,调查对象基本情况调查包括年龄、性别、职业等。对调查结果进行描述性流行病学分析。结果本研究共调查5 244名≥3岁广州市居民,男、女性分别为2 565、2 679人,性别比为1∶0.96,3~、7~、13~、18~和≥50岁人群人数分别为931(占17.8%)、1 064(20.3%)、1 063(20.3%)、1 797(34.2%)、389(7.4%)人。文化程度以高中、中专以上为主,占60.1%(3 152/5 244)。2011年平均每月家庭年收入<3 000、3 000~、5 000~和≥8 000元人数分别占22.5%(1 178/5 244)、22.0%(1 148/5 244)、19.9%(1 043/5 244)和32.5%(1 704/5 244)。广州市≥3岁居民含TFA食物平均消费量较高的分别为乳类、食用植物油、面包、糕点、冷冻饮品、生鲜肉及制品和油炸食品,依次为141.18、25.55、25.34、19.43、19.33、19.09和17.18 g/d。乳类、面包、糕点类、膨化食品、油炸食品、速冻食品、冷冻饮品、固体饮料、巧克力糖果类等食品在不同年龄组人群的平均消费量的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中7~12、13~17岁人群在以上食品类别的平均消费量较高。乳类、面包、糕点类、油炸食品、速冻食品、冷冻饮品、固体饮料和巧克力糖果类不同收入水平居民含TFA食物的平均消费量差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中平均每月家庭纯收入≥8 000元的家庭以上食品类别的平均消费量较高。结论含TFA食物的消费量在广州市7~17岁学龄儿童和青少年人群中较高,有必要开展典型消费人群相关调查,为下一步开展风险评估提供参考。 Objective To understand Guangzhou residents’ consumption of trans fatty acids (TFA). Methods A multistage stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate the differences of regional development in Guangzhou. In 2011, the survey was conducted in Yuexiu District, Liwan District, Huangpu District, Baiyun District, Panyu District, Huadu District and Nansha District of Guangzhou City. A systematic sampling of 6 neighborhood committees was conducted for each district, 40 households were randomly selected from each neighborhood committee, and all households whose families were ≥3 years old were investigated. Using self-designed questionnaire, the questionnaire survey includes the basic situation of the survey households, the basic personal circumstances of the surveyed individuals and the frequency of individuals consuming TFA food in the past three months. The investigation of the basic conditions of the surveyed households includes the family’s economic income, the number of the family and the ethnic groups. The survey of the basic conditions of the surveyed persons includes age, gender and occupation. Descriptive epidemiological analysis of the survey results. Results A total of 5 244 residents of Guangzhou aged ≥ 3 years were surveyed in this study. There were 2 565 and 2 679 males and females with a sex ratio of 1: 0.96, 3 ~, 7 ~, 13 ~, 18 ~ and ≥50 years old respectively The numbers were 931 (17.8%), 1 064 (20.3%), 1 063 (20.3%), 1 797 (34.2%) and 389 (7.4%) respectively. The level of education was mainly high school and secondary school, accounting for 60.1% (3 152/5 244). In 2011, the average annual family income of 3,000,300,000 to 5,000,000 and 10,000 yuan per month respectively accounted for 22.5% (1 178/5 244), 22.0% (1 148/5 244) and 19.9% 1 043/5 244) and 32.5% (1 704/5 244). The average consumption of TFA foods among residents ≥ 3 years old in Guangzhou was respectively milk, edible vegetable oil, bread, cakes, frozen drinks, fresh meat and products and fried foods, followed by 141.18,25.55,25.34,19.43, 19.33, 19.09 and 17.18 g / d. The average consumption of milk, bread, pastry, puffed food, fried food, frozen food, frozen beverage, solid beverage, chocolate candy and other foods in different age groups had statistically significant differences (P <0.05 or P <0.01). Among them, the average consumption of the above 7-12, 13-17-year-olds in the above food category was higher. The average consumption of TFA-containing foods among residents with different income levels of milk, bread, cakes, fried foods, frozen foods, frozen drinks, solid drinks and chocolate candies had statistical significance (P0.05 or P0.01) , With an average monthly household net income of ≥8,000 yuan, with a higher average consumption of the above-mentioned food category. Conclusions The consumption of TFA-containing foods in Guangzhou is relatively high among school-age children aged 7-17 and adolescents. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out surveys on typical consumer groups and provide reference for risk assessment in the next step.
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