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李映红,浩腾媒体中国区财务总监,可以说是世界传媒界的一颗“金”星。可他永远记得他第一次求职的经历。1997年11月,李映红以专业第一名的成绩从悉尼职业技术学院毕业。尽管他在悉尼理工大学的管理学硕士学业尚未完成,但他还是充满自信地开始求职。根据老师的建议以及一年来的澳洲生活经验,李映红决定将职务的谋求锁定在中层管理的位置上。他到附近几个社区图书馆去查找澳洲500强的 Li Yinghong, CEO of Haoteng Media China, can be said to be a “golden star” of the world media. But he will always remember his first job search experience. In November 1997, Li Yinghong graduated from Sydney Polytechnic with his first professional result. Although he did not complete his master’s in management studies at the University of Technology Sydney, he started his job with confidence. According to the teacher’s advice and the experience of living in Australia over the past year, Li Yinghong decided to lock his position in the middle management position. He went to several community libraries nearby to find the top 500 Australians
先圣说,仁者乐山, 智者乐水。在深圳有一个地方叫莲塘,依山临水,面向香港, 在这里,有一白领府第,吸天地之灵气, 芳万物之香息,这就是“金色年华” The first holy say, bene