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背景:当今,人类社会正处于日新月异的科技时代。新的科技革命迅猛发展。最近30年,人类在科技方面的新发展、发明和创造超过了以往二千年的总和.而且预计未来的30年还将翻一番。科技成果向现实生产力的迅速转化成为推动生产持续发展的首要因素。随着世界范围的大生产和大交往的形成、政治多极化、经济全球化和文化国际交流都呈现加速推进的态势,与之相应的,世界各国人们的生产方式、生活方式、思维方式、价值观念也都在迅速变化——但是,育人说科学好比一般迷雾中的航船。科学越发达,航船越大,速度也越快,但如果缺乏正确的航向,就容易触礁,那么,用什么来为科学航船导航.使它平稳地破浪向前呢? Background: Today, human society is in an era of rapid technological change. The new scientific and technological revolution has developed rapidly. In the recent 30 years, the new developments, inventions, and creations of human beings in science and technology have exceeded the sum of the past 2,000 years. And it is expected that the next 30 years will also double. The rapid transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical productivity has become the primary factor in promoting the sustainable development of production. With the development of large-scale production and large-scale contacts, political multipolarization, economic globalization, and international cultural exchanges around the world, there has been a trend of accelerating progress. Correspondingly, the production methods, lifestyles, and ways of thinking of people around the world Values ​​are also rapidly changing - but education says science is like a boat in the general fog. The more advanced science is, the bigger the ship is, and the faster it is. However, if there is a lack of proper course, it is easy to hit the rocks. Then, what is it to use to navigate the scientific ship? Let it steadily break the wave forward?
鲁迅作品中那些小小的道具往往在不经意中或明或暗地构成比较,成为作家艺术构思链条中闪光的一环,具有耐人寻味的多种表达功能。 比较中见社会背景《故乡》中两次写到少年闰
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