A Case Study of Phonetics Teaching to EFL Students

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  Abstract:Phonetic course is the foundation of EFL learners.However,in the process of the theory study,students often expose deficiency in phonetics study.To look into the problems,we used questionnaire investigation and interview as tools to give a research on the present condition of phonetics teaching.The result shows that the students have enough understanding of the phonetics study,teachers have serious teaching attitude and good grasp of the knowledge in the subject.But they lack a clear teaching goal,and the teaching method is simplistic.
  Key words:Phonetics teaching;phonetic knowledge;teaching goal
  As a traditional rudimentary course for English learners,English phonetics is the foundation of improving the students’ listening,speaking and translation.The syllabus stipulated clearly that the goal of the phonetic course is to introduce to the students the English phonetics and intonation,and to integrate listening,pronunciation and oral expression together by distinguishing sounds and improving skills.However,students often expose their weakness even deficiency in their basic phonetics.In the light of this phenomenon,we made a research on the condition of the freshmen’s and sophomore’s phonetics teaching.
  II Research design
  2.1 Subject
  EFL students learning English as a double major,in the three classes of one grade in the School of foreign languages of Shan Dong University of Technology.
  2.2 Research instrument
  86 pieces of questionnaire is given out to collect data from students and 86 is received.Interview is carried out on the teacher.
  III.Research results and discussion
  3.1 Students’ understanding on phonetics study
  Students have abundant understanding of the importance of this subject.The author gets to know the information that the students know the hows but not the whys of the production of the sound before they are enrolled by the colleges or Universities through the talks with them.This reveals that the students feel the phonetics course is very important and they have great desire to learn it.
  3.2 Teaching method
  Research shows that most students think the teacher teaches them in English.In the interview,two thirds of the teachers speak frankly that they mostly use Chinese when they teach the students,especially when they teach the suprasegmental analysis.This result has relationship with the students’ English proficiency.   3.3 The evaluation of the textbook and test
  Result shows that the textbook is suitable for the students.There was only oral examination for the previous phonetics test.This simplistic test can not fully exam the students’ study and application of the phonetic knowledge effectively.Most of the students are satisfied with the new form of test which is the combination of oral examination and the written examination.
  IV.Interview with teachers
  4.1 Teaching attitude and teaching goals
  Result shows the teacher’s attitude is serious,their teaching goal is clear.At the same time,the teachers don’t agree with the simplistic testing forms.So far,the result of the review with the teacher supports the hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2.
  4.2 Teaching design and teaching emphasis
  It can be seen that two thirds of the teachers put their emphasis on the teaching of pronunciation or correcting the students’ pronunciation.Though the teachers realized that the phonetics knowledge should be one of the teaching goals,but they didn’t put into practice in their teaching.The interview also shows that the degree of stereoscopic teaching is low in the phonetics class,more than half of the teachers didn’t combine the differentiation of pronunciation with input practice.
  4.3 The subject knowledge and the teaching capability
  All the teachers confirm that they have proficient subject knowledge,and are sure that they have taught the according to the textbook,and related to all the phonetic point.The result of the interview does not coincide with the result of the questionnaire research,which shows that the students are confined by their limited English;it also reflects that the English teaching in the middle school is short of the environment of target language.
  The findings of this research are as follows:
  1.The teachers have serious teaching attitude,and ample preparation for lessons.The students also have high degree of satisfaction with the teaching evaluation.
  2.The teachers’ understanding of the teaching goals don’t parallel with the practice.Though the students said the emphasis of the class is the teaching and training of phonetics,yet the research of the pedagogy and the result of the interview with the teachers shows that the emphasis is put on the correction of pronunciation,the teaching form is simplistic,and the teacher didn’t give the students some training that combined with some other skills.   3.The teachers have solid knowledge in this subject,and skillful operation.They have certain teaching experience and are quite sure that they have taught all the phonetics point in the textbook.
  4.The students have fully recognized the importance of phonetics study.Most students think that it will greatly help them in their study of oral English,listening English and vocabulary if they have good foundation of phonetics.
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  (作者單位:School of Foreign Languages,Shandong University of Technology)
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摘要:研究性学习是时代的要求,必须保证学生的主体学习地位,要激发兴趣,营造氛围,以讨论、辩论而促进研究性学习的深入,以小论文、作文、周记的形式形成成果。  关键词:语文;研究性学习;教学  一、初中阶段倡导研究性学习是时代的要求  目前,研究性学习在国外已屡见不鲜,在我国大城市也相当普及,但是在农村学校开展得还不是很活跃,在个别学校甚至还是一片空白。特别是我省提倡“减轻学生课业负担”后。在初中阶段
摘要:“核心素养,主要指学生应具备的,能够适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。研究学生发展核心素养是落实立德树人根本任务的一项重要举措,也是适应世界教育改革发展趋势、提升我国教育国际竞争力的迫切需要。”  关键词:核心素养;写作教学  核心素养强调培养学生的关键能力。何为关键能力?从学习过程的角度,把学生的学习能力分为阅读能力(输入)、思考能力(加工)和表达能力(输出)三种,这三种能力
摘要:体验式学习强调的是引导学生进行自主、探究学习,进而也被广大教育者青睐应用于教学中。传统教学模式主要是填鸭式,学生是被动接受学习,而体验式学习更多的是以学生为学习的主体,教师加以引导,培养学生积极地自主、探究学习,为小学数学教学的教学质量提供了基础。因此,本文就体验式学习在小学数学教学中的应用进行探析,望能为小学数学教学的创新提高帮助。  关键词:体验式学习;小学;数学教学;应用  数学学习是
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摘要:随着现今经济社会的发展,教育也在悄然无息的变化着。教师为了达到自己的教学目标,就偏重于理论知识的教学,而忽略了培养学生学习数学的兴趣。针对这一问题,提出了根据学生的普遍情况进行有效问题情境教学。创设有效问题情境,可以丰富学生的学习过程,培养学生的学习兴趣,将理论与实践相结合。因此如何能够在教学中有效应用创设问题情境的方法是小学数学教师需要面对的问题。  关键词:问题情境;小学数学教学;故事情
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摘要:学生作为学习的主体,教师在教学中有计划的指导学生进行学习,通过学生自主学习培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习能力,进而提升初中化学教学质量和效率。文章主要结合具体的初中化学教学内容,分析了概念课、实验课和复习课中如何培养初中生化学自主学习能力的教学对策。  关键词:化学;学习兴趣;自主学习;学习能力;教学对策  Abstract:the student is the subject of t