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档案缩微前处理工作既是档案缩微的基础,又是档案整理工作的继续和延伸。档案缩微前处理工作的好坏,直接影响档案缩微工作的速度和档案缩微品的质量。一、档案原件的复核校正工作档案的复核校正工作是前处理工作的第一步。其方法是参照文书立卷的原则,按档案整理要求,本着接收档案的标准,对所要拍摄的档案进行逐卷、逐件、逐页的清点核实,起到改错补漏的作用。1、检查有无全宗介绍,该介绍是否反映了本全宗的全部主要内容。2、检查档案的案卷目录和卷内文件目录的拟写是否题文相符。3、检查案卷和卷内文件的排列顺序是否正确,有无颠倒和混乱等现象。4、检查档案的卷、件、页数是否与原统计数字相符。5、检查有无备考表,其内容填写是否准确、完整。6、去掉文件上的书钉。对上述的检查项目如发现问题要及时加以纠正。 File microfilm pre-processing work is not only the basis for file microfilming, but also the continuation and extension of file consolidation. File microfilm pre-processing work is good or bad, a direct impact on the file microfilm speed and file microfilm quality. First, the original file review Check the work of the file review and correction work is the first step in pre-processing. The method is based on the principle of document legislation, according to the file finishing requirements, in accordance with the standards of receiving files, the files to be shot by the volume, piece by piece, page by page inventory verification, played the role of error correction. 1, check whether the introduction of the Founder, the introduction reflects all the main contents of the Fonds. 2, check the archives of the file directory and the volume of the file directory to write whether the inscription match. 3, check the files and documents within the roll order is correct, there is no reversal and confusion and so on. 4, check the file volume, pieces, page number is consistent with the original statistics. 5, check whether the test form, its content is accurate and complete. 6, remove the book on the paper nails. On the inspection items such as problems to be promptly corrected.
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