
来源 :试题与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Disama
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随着新课程改革的全面实施,一种综合考查同学们分析问题及解决问题能力的新型试题——化学材料分析题开始崭露头角。这类题的特点是:先给出与化学知识相关的一段材料或图示,然后利用所给出的材料提出相关的问题,让同学们解答。由于此类题所给出的材料常与高新科技、社会发展及日常生活紧密相连,并将有关化学知识巧妙地渗透到所给的材料之中,因此不少同学感觉对此类题解答不适应。解答此类题的一般方法是:先在短时间内从题给的材料中提炼出有用信息,然 With the full implementation of the new curriculum reform, a new type of test paper that comprehensively examines students’ ability to analyze problems and solve problems has begun to emerge. The characteristics of such questions are: first give a section of material or graphic related to chemical knowledge, and then use the materials given to ask relevant questions for the students to answer. Since the materials given in such questions are often closely linked with high-tech, social development, and daily life, and the knowledge about chemistry is subtly infiltrated into the materials given, many students feel that they cannot adapt to such questions. . The general way to answer such questions is to first extract the useful information from the materials given in the question in a short time.
题如图1所示,用同样的电阻 r 组成个无限网络,试求这个网络的等效电阻.本题的电路是一个混联电路,不能直接运用串、并联电路的规律来解答.该电路图看起来复杂,但也有规律可
人教社2005年版《历史与社会》七年级上册第112页有一幅《古人类的进化》图,如下: There is a picture of “Evolution of ancient humans” on the 112th page of the sev
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公元前445年·魏文侯即位,任用李悝,实行变法战国时期嵌错赏功宴乐铜壶上的水陆攻战文饰,从中可以看出战国时兵战的阵势。 In 445 BC, Wei Wenhou was ascended to the thr
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一、调整 (1)深浅调整:耙地深浅主要取决于耙组的偏转角度,调整角度调节器使偏角增大,入土深度就增加,反之就浅;增加耙上的附加重量也可使耙深增加。(2)水平调整:为保证耙深